“Bullshit,” Nik spits. “There’s hours of footage on here of you and him meeting. Take him downstairs.”

Lex jerks him up by the hold on his neck and marches him from the room. I look at Pavel. “You better hope we don’t find anyone else because you’re next if we do.” I stand from my chair and hold my hand out for Bridget, rejoicing when she slides her hand into mine without hesitation. I pull her to stand and lead her from the room. “Wait for us in the game room.”

“Wait. Why?” she asks.

“You don’t want to see what’s going to happen.” We don’t want to push her too far too fast, and seeing us torture a man in the basement would probably do just that. She knows we are killers, she has even witnessed me do it, but seeing torture with your own eyes is something completely different.

She crosses her arms over her chest. “Why don’t you let me make that decision?” We told her we would never rule over her, and as much as I want to argue, I won’t for that reason only.

“Stay behind the window and call Ghost. He needs to be here for this.”

Ghost shows up with Caden and Banger twenty minutes later. By that time, we already have Anton naked and strapped to the metal table in the middle of the room. We should have already told Ghost about this, but we didn’t know how to bring it up.

“What’s this?” Ghost asks, gesturing to our victim.

Anton tries to yell around the gag in his mouth, but it comes out muffled. Ghost doesn’t even spare him a glance. “We had a visit from Cian the other day, and he gave us evidence that we have a mole,” I explain and gesture to Anton. “That’s him.”

Ghost frowns. “Why the hell would Cian have evidence on that?”

“We’re still trying to figure that out. Holden’s on it,” Lex answers, then runs his fingers through his hair. “That’s not all. He’s working for your father.”

Ghost stiffens. “What?” he asks in a deadly tone. “You knew days ago, and you just told me?”

“We still had to figure out who it was. The USB was heavily encrypted.”

“You should have told me!” Ghost yells. “If you have a fucking mole, I could too!”

“It could be how the Hellraisers keep getting the drop on us,” Caden adds.

“We called you now, that’s all that should matter,” Lex says, twirling a knife between his fingers.

“That’s all that should matter? Are you goddamn insane?” Ghost scoffs. “Of course you fucking are.”

Lex stops the twirling and steps into Ghost’s face. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”

“Wait a damn minute,” Caden says, trying to push between them. “I know your dad is a sore subject, and they should have told you. But they did call. Let’s settle down and see what we can find out.”

Lex and Ghost stay locked in an intense as fuck stare off, both their chests heaving. Truthfully, we should have told him, but we can’t go back in time.

“Okay, enough of the manly shit,” Bridget announces, walking into the basement like she owns the damn place.

I pin her with a look. “I told you to stay behind the window.”

“And I’m pretty sure I told you to let me make my own decisions.” She walks over to Lex and Ghost. “You should have told him,” she says, looking at Lex and me. “But all you can do now is move forward.” She runs her hand up Ghost’s chest, and he finally pulls his eyes to her. “I don’t know the full story with your dad, but I know it’s not good.” She points to Anton. “They did call after they got you a name. So that’s how you move forward.”

Ghost stares at her so long that I think he’s going to argue. Then he rolls his neck and kisses her on the forehead. “You’re right, Sunshine.” Well, I’ll be damned. “I want answers.”

“Then we get them,” I say, and grab Lex’s arm to pull him back. “Take it out on the right people.”

He jerks his arm free. “You’re lucky you’re like a brother to me,” Lex says to Ghost. “I’ve killed people for a lot less.”

“Fuck you,” Ghost barks. “You don’t think I have? Get the goddamn information.”

Caden sighs. “We already know whose dick is bigger. Can we stop having a measuring contest?”

A laugh bursts out of Bridget, and it breaks up the tension in the room. “I’d like to know your answer to that one,” Bridget says between laughs.

“Mine, of course,” Caden says with a sly grin and then slaps Lex on the back. “Go on, you big, sexy Russian bastard. Do your thing.”