Bridget shrugs. “Money talks. He could have flipped someone.”

Lex chuckles. “She’s got a point.”

“We’ll tell him tonight,” I say, and Lex nods.

Lex pulls in front of the house and gives Bridget a warning look before she can open her door. I step out with a smile and pull her door open. She steps out and curtsies. “Thank you,” she says sarcastically, brushing by me. I grab her arm before she can get too far and slant my mouth over hers. I’m pissed as hell that I missed all the fun last night, but when we got the call from Nik that Holden found our mole, someone had to take care of it. We settled it the mature, brotherly way with rock, paper, scissors. When Banger and I got back to her house, they were already passed out in bed.

She walks me backward until my back hits the side of the car. I slide my hands down to her ass and jerk her closer. I’m seconds away from saying fuck this meeting and dragging her back into the car when someone clears their throat. I reluctantly pull away and look over her shoulder at Nik.

“Care to join us, gentlemen?” he asks. “And lady,” he adds when Bridget shoots him a glare.

“Come on,Boginya,before I fuck you right here in the driveway.” I grab her hand and lead her to the stairs.

“I’m not entirely opposed to that idea,” Bridget quips. “Hello, Nikolay,” she purrs, and his cheeks darken.

Lex snorts a laugh. “Be careful,Moya zhizn. You’ll have him trailing after you too.”

Bridget’s laugh carries us into the house. I still can’t believe she’s finally ours after months of obsessing over her. I lead her into the conference room for the meeting, and Nik doesn’t even bat an eye. I sit her in between me and Alexey. “Act like you belong,” I whisper when the head of guards walks in with two others trailing behind him. The one in the very back looking nervous as fuck is our mole, Anton.

They sit across from us, and Nik sits forward in his chair at the head of the table. “We have some things to discuss, Pavel,” Nik says, addressing our lead guard.

Pavel’s eyes narrow on Bridget, causing me and Alexey to bristle immediately. “Why is she here?”

“Because we asked her to be,” I answer. “I suggest you look the other way unless you want to lose your fucking eyes.”

His eyes shift back to Nik. “What’s this about?”

“We have a mole,” Nik answers. That drops between us on the table, and the other two shift nervously. “What I want to know is how the hell they got past you?”

“I don’t know anything about a goddamn mole,” Pavel growls. “I vetted everyone here.”

Lex sits back in his chair. “And there lies the problem. So, I’ll ask again. How the hell did they get past you?”

“Are you accusing me of something?”

I keep my body angled so I can keep an eye on Bridget. She’s sitting ramrod straight in her chair, head held high, but she’s twisting her hands in her lap. I reach over and take one, squeezing her hand. Lex and I really didn’t want to leave her alone, but we also need to see if she can handle this life. Hanging out with Les or dating us is totally different than being fully immersed in this life. And that’s where we want her.

“No. Should we be?” Nik asks.

Pavel smacks his fist on the table, making Bridget jump. “I’ve been loyal to this family. There’s no fucking way I’d betray you.”

Nik nods. “I believe you, but we still have a mole, and he’s in your ranks. What do you think we should do about it?”

“I think this is a conversation we shouldn’t be having in front of some piece of pussy.” Wrong fucking answer. Before Lex and I can react, Nik stands from his chair and leans his fists on the table. He rarely reacts, but when he does, people take notice.

“Say one more goddamn word toward her, and I’ll rip your spine out through your asshole and stab you in the neck with it. Now answer my fucking question,” Nik growls. Lex and I exchange a what the fuck look, then look to Bridget. She’s staring wide-eyed at Nik.

“Kill them,” Pavel answers through clenched teeth. The guard on Pavel’s right is watching the exchange with a confused expression, the other, our mole, is starting to sweat bullets.

“I agree,” Lex says, rubbing his chin. “But how about a little show and tell first?”

Nik presses a button on the table, and a screen pops up on the other end. He presses a few more buttons, and a video fills the screen. It’s our mole meeting with Mayor Augustus. Bridget gasps slightly when she sees him. It’s the same reaction we had. He looks exactly like Ghost, just older.

Anton jumps from his chair and makes a break for the door. Lex’s chair crashes to the floor when he jumps up to grab him. Lex gets to him in three long strides, grabs him by the back of the neck, and slams his cheek into the table.

“You dare betray this family?” Lex growls, tightening his hand and grinding the guy's face into the table. Bridget’s eyes are wide as saucers watching the scene in front of her. “I have half a mind to put a bullet through your skull.” Lex leans down to his ear. “But I want to see how loud I can make you scream first.”

“I just met with him once!” Anton exclaims.