“I don’t need a babysitter,” I argue, hoping my voice sounds strong.

“We don’t think you do, Sunshine. We would feel better if you have one of us with you until this shit with the Hellraisers is taken care of,” Ghost says.

“We?” That’s the only word I picked up in that whole sentence. Alexey, Dmitri, and even Caden, I could see wanting me to have a bodyguard.

“Yes. We,” Ghost says slowly. “I know I don’t just speak for myself here. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” He stands and jerks his head at Caden. “We have to go.”

Caden jumps to his feet and jogs to my side of the table. He clamps my face in both hands and lays a smacking kiss on my lips. “I’ll see you later, Firefly.” He looks at Ghost. “I need to do something first.”

He takes off from the kitchen, and we all exchange a look. It’s hard to tell what he’s up to.

“Goddamnit, Caden!” Alexey’s voice booms through the house.

Caden comes skidding into the kitchen, laughing like hell with Alexey right on his heels. A very pissed-off, naked Alexey. “You will pay for that, asshole.”

“I just gave you a hug,” Caden laughs, dodging Alexey trying to make a grab for him.

“You’re lucky I didn’t slit your fucking throat,” Alexey says through clenched teeth. He doesn’t seem to care that he’s butt naked with people watching him, and I’m not going to complain. Alexey is very nice to look at.

Alexey finally gets his arm around Caden’s neck, making him squeal like a girl. I bust out laughing at the sound. Alexey locks his arm tighter in a headlock. His dark eyes snap to mine. “Something funny,Moya zhizn?”

I tuck my lips to keep from laughing and shake my head.

“That shouldn’t be so goddamn hot,” Ghost mutters, making me laugh again.

“Next time you jump on me like that,” Alexey warns, squeezing his arm so tight that Caden wheezes, “I’ll have you naked and my cock so far up your ass that you won’t know where I end, and you begin. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Caden gasps. Alexey lets him go, and I can see from the look in Caden’s eyes that he’s not done. He rears back and slaps Alexey on the bare ass, then runs from the house, his laughter trailing behind him. Alexey takes off after him.

“Don’t you dare run naked out of my house!” I yell, stopping him dead in his tracks. “No one gets to see that but me.” I look around the room. “And them.”

Alexey stalks back toward me and stops when he’s standing so close that I have to crane my neck to look up at him. “Are you laying claim on me,Moya zhizn?”

“You said I was yours, so that makes you mine too, damn it,” I say defensively.

His eyes soften. “Of course I am.” He slants his mouth over mine, and I’m helpless against him.

And that thought scares the shit out of me.

Chapter 18


“What’sthismeetingabout?”Bridget asks. Since Lex brought the Lambo to her house with no backseat, we took Bridget’s car. She threw the keys to Lex to drive and slid into the backseat, and stretched her legs across the seat.

Lex and I exchange a glance. We trust Bridget, but in this world, the less you know, the better. But we also refuse to lie to her. “We need to take care of our mole,” I answer.

“You have a mole?” Bridget asks, leaning up between the seats and bracing her arms on the center console.

Lex sighs. “Yeah, and he works for Ghost’s dad.”

“What did Ghost say about that?” We exchange another glance. “You didn’t tell him, did you?” she guesses.

“We will. We just wanted to eliminate him first,” I say.

“I think he deserves to know that his dad is planting spies,” Bridget suggests. “I mean, if he slipped someone past you guys, who’s to say he didn’t plant someone in the Vipers?”

I turn in the seat to look at her. “They haven’t initiated someone in a really long time.”