Whoops and cat calls go up all around, and it doesn’t even faze them. Lex kisses her until she’s practically climbing up his chest. He pulls back and lays his forehead against hers. “Later,” he promises.

“Hm. Definitely,” Bridget says breathlessly. Fuck, if my cock didn’t pay attention. Ghost shifts against my side, and I hide a grin. It looks like my cock isn’t the only thing paying attention.

“Lex, you want to play a game of chicken?” Les calls out.

He looks up from Bridget’s eyes. “Fuck you. I’m not doing that shit ever again, you crazy woman.”

Les laughs and then squeals when Gage throws her over his shoulder. “Let’s go get some money, Pretty girl.” He walks her over to her motorcycle and sits her on it.

Lex leads Bridget over to his Lambo and opens the door for her. She slides in with a grin. He reaches in and straps the racing seatbelt that he equipped in it for moments like this across her. He jogs to the other side and gets in to drive over to the quarter-mile track.

We make our way over to watch as Lex pulls up to the white line and does his burnout to warm up the back tires. He stabs the window button so we can see inside. Bridget gives me a saucy wave, and then Lex stomps on the gas, her laugh following them as they take off.

“Okay,” Ghost says quietly. “I see it.”

I laugh. “You noticed, didn’t you?”

He pulls his mask off so I can see his eyes. “Yeah, I noticed.”

“Good.” I peck his lips. “Because I do too.”

I can’t wait to see where this takes us.

Chapter 16


AfterTheGames,Ghostdidn’t want to take Bridget back to his house because he didn’t trust that Tink wouldn’t try something in the middle of the night. Especially since we dumped two dead guys in front of his apartment. And not just on the sidewalk; Ghost’s guy dumped them right in front of Tink’s door. So we decided to spend the night at Bridget’s. Banger and Dmitri went to take care of a few things, and they will swing by later. We could have gone back to the estate, but we try to spend the least amount of time there as possible.

Something about the act of torture always messes me up. I know that makes me fucked in the head, but I came to terms with that a long time ago. Then Caden’s comments didn’t help the already hard as a fucking rock situation, and neither did the sinful dress Bridget is wearing.

Her public display of kissing me in front of everyone gives me so much fucking hope for us. After she left the house, Dmitri and I worried we came on too strong, but she proved us wrong. We also had a long talk about the other guys. We are used to sharing. What difference would it make if we added a few more if it made Bridget happy? We aren’t sure that’s what she wants, and it will always be up to her, but we won’t stand in the way.

“I only have one guest room. It’s next to mine,” Bridget says, talking to Ghost and Caden. “Someone is going to have to sleep on the couch.”

“Banger,” Ghost and Caden say at the same time.

“Where am I sleeping,Moya zhizn?” I ask, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. My heart skips a beat when she leans back into my embrace.

“Oh, you will be with me,” she replies, turning to smile at me over her shoulder.

I turn her in my arms and seal my mouth over hers. She moans in the back of her throat, and I start walking her backward toward her room without stopping the kiss. Her arms go around my neck with a giggle, and I soak in that damn sound.

“Sure, guys. It’s fine. We’ll find our own way to the room,” Caden calls out from the couch right when we cross into Bridget’s room. I know I should kick the door shut, but I want to try something. If she’s okay with it.

Her hands slide under my shirt, and I pull back to rip it over my head before I start kissing her neck.

“Aren’t you going to shut the door?” Bridget asks breathlessly, her hands sliding down my chest.

“Do you want me to shut the door, or do you want to show them how good I can fuck you?” I whisper, and she shivers. “Choice is yours,Moya zhizn.” The way Bridget’s place is set up, her living room is right in front of her bedroom. If you sit on the couch, you have a clear view. And that’s where I know Ghost and Caden still are.

“You want them to watch?” Bridget asks, and I can tell by the tone of her voice that the thought turns her on.

“Don’t you?” I pull back so I can see her eyes. “You heard what I said at the party.” I whispered in her ear that it turned me on to see her with Banger, but she didn’t reply.

“I thought you were joking.” She runs her hands down my pecs. “Why the fuck do you keep all this covered up?” she asks, indicating my tattoos. It’s the same question she asked the first night, and right now isn’t the time to explain, so I pull her hands away and kiss her palms.

“That’s a story for another time,Moya zhizn.” She raises an eyebrow but nods. “Now. Door open or shut. I don’t care either way. I just want to sink into that pretty pussy.”