“Not so fast, red. It’s just one dance.”

“Please let me go,” I say through gritted teeth. I don’t appreciate being manhandled, but I’m still very aware of where I am.

His grip gets tighter. “You sound pretty when you beg.”

My stomach drops to my feet when he leers closer. I try to tug my arm free, and his fingers dig into the skin. He steps into my space until my back hits the wall. He’s at least seven inches taller than my five-foot-eight and outweighs me by about a hundred pounds. “Back. Off.” I shove against his chest, but it’s like trying to move a mountain.

“She said back the fuck off!”

The guy whips around to that voice and immediately takes a step back. “Was she waiting for you, Ghost?”

“Doesn’t fucking matter. Get the fuck out of my house. Now,” Ghost growls, reaching around the guy to pull me to him. “I’ll deal with you tomorrow.” The guy slinks off without a backward glance, and Ghost looks down at me. “What’re you doing here alone?”

“Caden invited me, and he hasn’t shown up yet,” I say, rubbing my sweaty hands on my jeans.

Ghost raises a blonde brow. “He told you to meet him here?”

“Yes,” I sigh. “Well, technically, he told me to meet him outside.”

“There’s a reason for that, Sunshine,” Ghost says, leading me into the back of the house. He pushes open a door, revealing an office, and gestures for me to walk inside. “Take a seat and wait.”

I flop down in one of the chairs with a huff. “I could have handled that on my own.”

Ghost chuckles. “I have no doubt,” he answers, lowering himself into the chair behind the desk. “But you shouldn’t have come alone either way.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll remember that for the future.” My phone pings with a message, and I swipe to open Caden’s chat screen.

Caden: I’m on my way. Sorry, I’m late. You still in your car?

Bridget: No. I’m talking to Ghost.

There’s no point in lying to him now.

Caden: ‘insert rolling eyes emoji’ You went in alone, didn’t you?

Bridget: I got bored!

Caden: Whatever, lol. I’m one minute away.

Bridget: I’m in Ghost’s office.

“Caden’s on his way,” I tell Ghost.

“Good.” I watch him closely as he answers. Caden’s never come right out and said anything, but I’ve picked up quite a few clues that something’s going on between the two of them. Or Caden wishes there was. Ghost’s face doesn’t give anything away except a slight shift of his eyes. “Did he say why he was late?”

“No. Just gave me shit for coming in alone.”

The doors bust open. “Why the hell don’t you ever listen?” Caden demands.

I turn to his voice. “You should have been here on time,” I retort.

“Ten minutes, Bridget. That’s how late I am.”

I shrug and stand up. “Ten minutes is a long time.”

Caden looks at Ghost. “How much trouble did she get into?”

“I didn’t!”