“It was just a warning,” he groans.

Lex moves so fast that the guy jerks back, scrambling to get away even though his arms are still strapped above his head. “You took a shot at my woman as a goddamn warning?” Lex says in such a deadly tone even Caden takes a step back.

“No one got hurt!” the other one argues. Like that fucking matters. Lex jerks back and shoves his knife right in the guy's eye, making him howl in pain. It echoes so loudly around the garage that I wince.

Lex jerks the knife out and moves to do the same to the other. “Wait!” Caden exclaims, stepping back up. Lex swings his eyes on him, and Caden holds his hands up. “Whoa, Captain Crazy. We need to know why we aren’t finding out about these hits.”

“We don’t know anything,” the driver sobs, looking at his half-dead friend. “Tink just offered us a grand to shoot up the house. That’s it.”

“Kill them,” Ghost announces, coming back out of the office. “I’ll send Mercy and some guys to dump them at Tink’s. That should serve as a warning not to fuck with the Vipers.”

“You’re so sexy in Boss mode,” Caden says, shivering in exaggeration.

Ghost shakes his head, walks to the back door, sticks his hand out, and pulls it back in with several bags of food. He brandishes them in front of him. “Holy shit,” I laugh. “You sent someone for food for him, didn’t you?”

“Yep,” Ghost answers, not at all embarrassed.

“Oh my god, I’m sucking your dick so good later,” Caden says, then looks back to his victim. “Sorry, my dude, but my man got me some food. This ends now. Toodles.” He slices through the guy's neck and practically skips to Ghost. Before taking the food, he kisses Ghost deeply, making Ghost groan and jerk him closer.

I’m not against anything like that, but it’s never been for me. Sure, it’s always hot to watch people get lost in their desires together. I can admit that. And Ghost and Caden look hot together, but that’s where it ends for me.

I look over at Alexey, and his eyes are glued to the sight in front of him. Unlike me, though, he seems to be a little more than turned on by it. I can see his erection pushing against the front of his jeans, but I don’t know if it’s from the torture or Ghost and Caden making out like no one else is in the room. Lex’s crazy ass always gets turned on after torturing someone, and Caden always gets hungry. We are a fucked up bunch, but we are family. And I’m sure as fuck not trading them in for anything.

My mind wanders back to Bridget and her hot ass rubbing against me. I initially ignored my attraction to her because of Lex and D, but they made it perfectly clear tonight that they didn’t give a fuck as long as it stays inside this group and she agrees to it.

Could I do that? Share her with four other guys? I already love watching people fuck, and the thought of seeing her hot, naked body getting worked over by any of them does appeal to me.

“You can eat in the car, Baby love,” Ghost says, bringing my attention back to them. I’m so fucking happy for both of them. They both deserve some good shit to happen in their lives. “We can go get Bridget and go to The Games.”

I have a feeling tonight’s going to be the first night of many we are spending time with the spicy redhead.

Chapter 15


Afterwedisposeofthe guys at the garage, we swing by Ghost’s and pick up Bridget. She wiped all of her makeup off, and her wig is gone, but she still looks hot as fuck in her outfit, even better now that I can see her long red hair.

She comes out of the house with her head held high and her shoulders back, sliding into the passenger seat of Ghost’s car without hesitation. It makes her even more gorgeous in my book, which is confusing the fuck out of me. Ever since Ghost made that comment about me wanting to see her naked, it’s all I’ve fucking thought about. Just like now, I can’t stop checking out her legs in the short dress from my spot in the middle of the backseat. Like a damn gentleman, I let her sit up front. Ghost catches my eye in the rearview mirror and raises a brow. I shrug because fuck if I know what's going on with me. And since he gave me the okay, it makes me want to find out if I like pussy or not.

I watch Ghost closely to see if he even sneaks a glance, and to my surprise, he keeps his eyes firmly on the road or on mine in the mirror. Even if he was checking her out, like him, I don’t care with Bridget.

I sit back in the seat with a sigh and think about what Lex said and Ghost’s comment back. Did that mean we were going to enter into some kind of weird relationship like the rest of our friends? Okay, it’s not even that weird. I kind of like the idea. I just never saw myself in one. Then Bridget entered the picture and blew that idea all to shit.

I’ve been hard as a rock since the scene at the garage and then Ghost’s lips on mine. I’ve thought about every unsexy thing I can, but it won’t go away. I’m considering taking matters into my own hands right in the backseat, but I still don’t know how Bridget feels about all this.

She turns in the seat to face me. “Did you really get Dolly’s without me?” she asks.

I grin. “Ghost got me Dolly’s without you,” I defend.

“That’s bullshit,” she declares, and I have to keep my eyes firmly on her face and not her tits hanging out of that dress. “You know I love that place.”

I point to Ghost. “Blame him,” I say defensively. “He bought it.”

She turns narrowed green eyes on him. “How dare you?”

“How was I supposed to know?” Ghost chuckles.

“Anyone who’s lived in Abbs Valley loves Dolly’s or Greta’s. It’s like an unspoken rule. When you want good, greasy, horrible for you food, you go to one of those places. This cow ate every goddamn thing and didn’t even save me a fry.”