Lex sneaks up on the passenger side. “You too, motherfucker,” he growls. He does the same as the driver, and he doesn’t look familiar either. What the fuck is going on? Lex grabs him by the back of the neck and shoves him face-first into the asphalt, placing a boot on the back of his head. “Who the fuck are you?” No answer. Lex pushes harder. “Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?”

“Take them back to the garage!” Ghost calls out.

“I want to leave this one bleeding in the goddamn street,” Lex barks. “He took a shot at my girl.” Shit.

“Lex, man,” I say gently. It’s like trying to diffuse a temperamental bomb talking to him sometimes. “We can take him back to the garage, and you can have some fun with him,” I offer.

Lex pushes harder, making the guy groan in pain. “Lex!” Ghost yells. “We need information. Let’s fucking go.”

Lex raises his boot back, and before I can say a word, he slams it down on the guy’s temple, knocking him out cold. While I was squared off with Lex, Caden and Mercy already loaded the driver into the car. Lex grabs the guy by the leg and starts dragging him toward the back of the SUV, making his face bump on the asphalt. “Jesus Christ, Lex,” I say with a shake of my head. I pop the hatch, and we heave him into the back. “You’re a crazy bastard. You know that, right?”

“I’m aware,” he answers before jumping into the driver’s side of the SUV. “Maybe you should remember that.” With that parting shot, Lex slams the door closed, jerks it into gear, and peels off toward Ghost’s garage.

We all pile back into our cars and follow him, arriving two minutes later. Ghost jumps out and opens the garage door for Lex to drive through to hide the shooters and their car.

Ghost sends Mercy and the rest of our crew to stay on watch just in case they come gunning for us here. One at a time, we get them hooked into the chains on the ceiling over top of the drain on the floor of the garage for easy cleanup.

Caden lays out on the table that’s pushed against the wall with his feet propped against it and his head hanging off the side, staring at us upside down. “I’m fucking hungry,” he says.

“Caden, why the fuck do you get hungry right before we torture someone or right after?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I just do.”

“I got something you can eat,” Lex jokes, grabbing his dick through his jeans.

“Bring it on, you big sexy Russian bastard,” Caden retorts. My eyes snap to Ghost, and he’s just shaking his head with a smile. I saw them at the house, and there is no doubt they’re together now. So, how the hell is Ghost okay with him flirting with Alexey?

Lex barks a laugh. “Don’t tempt me. I’m hard as a fucking rock right now.”

“You would be because you’re insane,” Ghost laughs.

“Keep talking shit, and I’m going to take my post-torture adrenaline out on your boy toy’s mouth,” Lex threatens.

Ghost shrugs. “That would be up to him. Can we get on with this so we can make it to The Games?” I look over at Caden, and he looks just as surprised as me.

Ghost pops an ammonia capsule under the shooter’s nose, and he groans when he wakes up. His face is thoroughly fucked from Lex smashing it into the ground and being dragged three feet across it. I walk over beside the table and lean against the wall, out of the way. I’m not squeamish, but torture isn’t my thing. We usually leave that for the twins or Caden. Ghost pulls his phone from his pocket and places it to his ear before walking back to the office.

Lex positions the knife at the hem of the guy’s shirt and slices upward so it falls open at his chest. “Who are you?” Lex asks, twirling his knife through his fingers. The guy just stares, so Lex makes his first cut, and he grits his teeth to keep from screaming. “Who the fuck are you?” No answer.

This goes on until his pecs are carved in a weird pattern that Lex always does, and blood is pouring down his stomach. It doesn’t take too many cuts until he starts screaming, but he still won’t talk. Neither is the driver who finally woke up.

Lex snaps a picture of each of their faces, shoots off a text, and shoves the phone back into his pocket. “One last time. Who are you, and why did you take a shot at my girl?”

“Fuck off,” the guy finally says. He doesn’t look real menacing now, with tears and snot leaking down his face. “I’m not telling you shit.”

Caden pushes off the wall and flips off the table onto his feet. He stands up and joins Lex with the guys. “You will tell us,” Caden grins. He should look ridiculous with that fucking corset on, but even I can admit he pulls it off well. Caden starts rummaging through the tool chest sitting in front of him until he triumphantly pulls out a wicked-looking knife. “Found it! I knew it was here.”

“I told you that you have to keep up with your knives,” Lex instructs.

“Yeah, yeah,” Caden grumbles, walking to stand in front of the driver.

Together, they cut and taunt their victims or talk shit to each other like it’s just another goddamn day. Which, to us, it is. Sadly in this life, you get used to getting shot at or watching someone get tortured.

This goes on for fifteen minutes before the driver finally says he’ll start talking. Caden spins the knife around his fingers and holds it against the guy's jugular. “Start talking,” he demands.

“We were hired by Tink,” he gasps out.

“What were your orders?” Lex asks.