“Sunshine,” I say gently, pulling her to sit up. Her makeup is smeared down her face from the tears leaking from her eyes. “Are you okay?”

Lex and D drop to their knees beside us. Banger is pacing with his phone to his ear. “I’m fine,” she smiles, but her lips wobble. “Okay. I’m not fine.”

I wipe her tears with my thumbs and pass her to Caden. I stand up and start barking orders. I know someone already took off after the SUV. Everyone scatters to do what I ordered, and I look back down at Caden and Bridget. Her whole body is shaking like a leaf.

“Get her in the house,” I say. Lex scoops her up and strides that way without a backward glance, D following behind them. “That was the goddamn Hellraisers.”

“We have someone on those cameras. Why aren’t we getting warnings?” Caden says, standing up.

“I don’t know, but it’s time we find out.”

He follows me into the house, and the twins have Bridget between them on the couch. I sit on the coffee table in front of her. “Did you get hurt?”

She shakes her head. “No.”

Besides the scrapes on her arms and legs from me pushing her to the ground, she looks fine. I let out a breath in a whoosh. She has no business in Concrete Row. Not until the Hellraisers cease to exist.

“Mercy’s tailing them. We going?” Banger announces, walking into the house.

I look around at the others, the same look of determination on their faces. “I’ll stay with her,” Dmitri offers.

“No. Go. I’ll be fine….” her words trail off when Lex and D both give her a look. “Okay. Fine. Miss out on all the fun.”

I bark a laugh despite myself. “You’re tough, Sunshine. I’ll give you that.”

She takes a shuddering breath. “I don’t know about that, but go take care of business.”

Lex pulls her face to his with his fingers on her chin and kisses her softly. “We’ll be back,Moya zhizn.”

Hopefully, with fewer Hellraisers left alive.

Chapter 14


Lexslidesintothepassenger side of my dark blue Chevy Chevelle without question while Caden jumps in with Ghost. We tear off down the road with several other cars trailing behind us to where Mercy has the Hellraisers in his sights.

“These motherfuckers will die,” Lex says between clenched teeth. There isn’t a doubt in my mind now. They shot up a party where they fucking knew we would have innocents. And they fucked up big time with Lex because Bridget was in the crossfire.

My heart jumped into my goddamn throat when I turned around and watched Ghost dive for her. Lex, Dmitri, and I were pinned down in front of the cars, and I can’t imagine what went through their heads when those first shots rang out.

“Why the fuck are we not hearing them talk about this? Did we miss something ?” I ask. This makes the third attack that’s slipped past us, and we have different people watching the cameras, so it can’t be that someone was flipped to the other side unless they got the whole goddamn gang.

“I don’t know,” Lex answers, strapping his knife sheath to his thigh. “But I’m about sick of this shit if they’re coming after Bridget now, and we’re missing it.”

“Where do you hide that thing?” It’s like he pulls it from thin air every fucking time we go on a job like this.

“I can’t reveal all my secrets.” He laughs at my look but still doesn’t answer.

We drive further into Concrete Row, and I dial Ghost, flipping it to speakerphone.

“Left on Mikee,” he answers, already knowing why I’m calling. I stomp the gas, jerk the wheel to the left, and skid into the alley so I can cut them off. Stealing cars for a living has its advantages. Like knowing every alley and side road that I can squeeze a car down.

The front end of the car jumps at the end of the alley, and I slam on the brakes, cutting off the SUV. It fishtails, trying to stop, and jerks into reverse, but Ghost and Caden are already out with guns drawn. Lex and I jump out and do the same as the rest of our crew comes flying in.

“Get out of the goddamn car!” Ghost yells. He starts creeping to the driver's side, gun aimed. “NOW!”

The guy pushes his door open, hands raised. He doesn’t look like anyone I’ve seen before, but the Hellraisers play dirty.