“Are you trying to kill me, Baby love?” I murmur against his neck. His hands finally settle on my waist when he relaxes against me. I look to his partner in crime. “Hey, Sunshine.” She doesn’t even look like herself with that wig on. I’m used to the bright, vivid red of her hair. She looks hot, but I prefer her hair and freckles, which you can’t see right now.

“Hey, Ghost,” she smiles. “You guys look amazing together.” We are getting several curious looks, but I don’t care, and Caden doesn’t seem to mind either. “What are you supposed to be?”

I reach beside me on the table and pick up my mask. “Ghostface,” I laugh. I still had the black robe and mask from last Halloween.

“Real original,” Caden comments.

“What are you supposed to be besides fucking sexy as hell?” I ask him.

He grins. “Exactly that.” He nods to her. “She picked it out. I picked out hers.”

I take in the rest of her outfit. “Nice. The twins are going to drool all over your goddamn boots.” Speaking of the twins, I see them pushing through the crowd of people in my house, headed straight for us.

They stop behind us, give Caden and me the once over since we’re cuddled together, and don’t say a word. They’ve known what’s been going on from the beginning. They don’t even look shocked.

“Goddamn,Boginya,” Dmitri practically growls when Bridget turns to face them. “What’re you wearing?”

She cocks a brow. “You have a problem with what I’m wearing? Afraid someone else might look?”

Alexey steps toward her until she has to look up at him. “I don’t care what you wear,Moya zhizn. As long as they know not to touch what’s ours.” He leans down to her ear. “And I know how to use many weapons if they need to be reminded.”

Good fucking answer.

Bridget’s mouth forms an ‘O’, making Caden chuckle. “Shocked speechless. I never thought I’d see the day,” he says between chuckles.

She flips him off behind her back, and he leans down and bites her finger. “Ow. Asshole,” she grumbles, jerking her hand back in front of her.

“Doesn’t this look cozy,” Banger comments, walking over to stand with us. He lets his eyes roam down Bridget. “Damn. I’m rethinking that offer to get naked now.”

I bust out laughing. “I’d watch it, Banger. Lex just threatened bodily harm on anyone who needs a reminder.”

“I’m not theirs,” Bridget points out. “I’m here of my own free will, unattached.” She pats Banger on the chest. “Dance with me?” What kind of game is she playing?

She drags Banger to the bigger part of the living room, turns around, and starts grinding her ass back on him. It takes him all of two seconds before he’s dancing with her. I look at Lex and D, waiting for them to pull the Glocks that I know they have hidden on them somewhere. But they’re both just watching Bridget and Banger with matching creepy expressions.

“What the fuck?” Caden whispers, noticing the same thing as me.

They turn to us at the same time. I hate that shit. “Does the threat not extend to him?” Caden asks.

Dmitri shakes his head. “She’s free to do as she pleases.”

“Within reason,” Lex adds.

“What the hell does that even mean?” I ask, confused as fuck.

“It means that threat doesn’t extend to any of us,” Lex explains. He sighs when he sees the question in my eyes. “Our group.”

Caden turns around to face them, leans back against my chest, and crosses his arms over his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist and sit my chin on his shoulder. “Can you use more words, you cryptic bastard?” Only a handful of people can get away with talking to Lex or D like that. And Caden, luckily, is one of them.

“It means that if you wanted something with her too, and that’s what she wanted, we wouldn’t say anything. It’s everyone else that will fucking die for even breathing in her direction,” Dmitri says.

“So you’re telling me if you walked into a room and Banger was fucking her that you wouldn’t put a bullet between his eyes?” Caden pushes.

Lex shrugs. “No.”

“You do know I don’t like girls, right?” Caden asks.

Dmitri snorts. “Bullshit. You might not like all girls, but you like that one.” He points to Bridget, and I smile against Caden’s shoulder. I’ve seen the way he looks at her when he thinks no one is looking. And with her, it doesn’t bother me. Not anymore. He’s mine, but if he wanted to dip his toes in, so to speak, I wouldn’t say no if it’s with her.