“You aren’t going to know unless you try. But honestly? I don’t see that happening,” Evie says.

I sit back in my chair with a pout, making them laugh. “I hate you both.”

“No, you don’t,” Evie giggles. “We’re just giving you the same tough love that you gave me.”

I have no idea what to say to that because she’s spot on. When she ran from her guys, Les and I tracked her ass down and showed her how much she was missing out on. Those guys were fucking miserable without her. It was a sad sight to see. I can pretend all I want to, but I miss Alexey and Dmitri, and ignoring them is killing me. I want nothing more than to fall into their arms and accept what they are offering.

I just don’t know if I can.

After lunch with the girls, I came back home and lay in bed, staring at the ceiling for an hour. I am no closer to coming to a decision when I hear Caden’s voice carry through the living room.

“In here!” I call out, and seconds later, he opens the bedroom door.

“What are you doing in here?” he asks, coming to lay beside me, mirroring how I’m lying.

“Thinking.” I lean over and sniff. “Fuck, Caden. Did you bathe in Ghost’s cologne?” I sit up with a gasp. “What happened last night?” I haven’t had a chance to gossip with him since I found out he was staying with Ghost.

Caden smiles ear to ear. “We made up. Twice.”

“Oh my god!” I squeal, bouncing to my knees on the bed. “Really? You guys are like together, together?”

“Yeah. We’re going to give it a shot.”

I attack him in a hug, so fucking happy for him. He hugs me back with a chuckle. “That’s why you didn’t answer your phone.”

“No. We fell asleep last night, and it must have died. I’m so sorry for that, Firefly.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I pull back to look at him. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks.” He pecks my nose. “Dmitri told me about what happened. And about you hanging around their house today.”

I sit up and cross my legs under me. He scoots against the headboard. “Did they tell you they laid everything out there?”

Caden shrugs. “Yeah. They’re damn serious too. Is that why you’re locked in your room? And why the fuck didn’t you have the alarm set?”

“I forgot to set it.” I roll my eyes when he glares. “I just need to get used to it being there. And to answer your first question, yes, that’s why I’m in here.”

“Talk to me.”

“I keep going back and forth between wanting to take what they’re offering and packing my shit and moving as far away from Abbs Valley as I can get.”

“That’s a little extreme,” Caden laughs. “Look, if I can do this with Ghost, you can do this with them. Don’t be a chickenshit.”

“Oh, now you’re the wise one? Fuck you. It took you how long to tell him how you felt?”

“That’s different. He’s my best friend. I didn’t want to ruin anything with him. You don’t have that with Lex and D. You get to build that with them.” He slides off the bed. “Starting tonight.” He reaches down and tugs me to my feet.

“What’s tonight?”

“The Games, but we’re doing a costume thing before that. You want to go? The twins will be there, and you can knock them dead in something really fucking short and sexy.”

“First, I don’t have anything to wear for a costume. Second, I don’t need something short to knock them dead.”

“Sure don’t, Firefly. Let’s go find something because I need your help to find mine.”

Nothing cures problems better than shopping.

“Caden! Come out and let me see!” I yell through my bathroom door. We spent hours shopping, and just like every time with Caden, I had a blast. I can’t wait to see him in the outfit I picked out. Or for the twins to see me in mine. Somewhere along the way, I made up my mind that I’m going to give them a true shot.