“We both do,Boginya,” Dmitri adds, stepping up to her side. “We would never put you below us. Like I told you at your place, we want to give you the world. If you’ll let us.”

I step back to give her space. “It’s in your hands.”

She stares at me for the longest time, and just when I think she’s going to run from the room, her arms go around my neck. Her lips are on mine before I can register what’s happening. The shock lasts less than a second before I sink my fingers into that bright red hair, tilt her head to the side, and sink my tongue into her mouth.

Her moan reverberates across every nerve ending. She pulls back all too soon and turns to Dmitri. His lips seal over hers before she even has a chance to fully let me go. Not that I care. She kisses him the same way before breaking away and taking several steps back away from both of us.

“You have to give me time,” she says breathlessly.

“We’ve given you time,Moya zhizn. We’ll never push you, but we’ll always let you know that we’re here. Waiting.”

“I have to…I have to go.” She spins and walks as fast as she can from the room.

She doesn’t know that all she has done is give us hope.

Chapter 12


“Whatiswrongwithyou?” Evie asks with a laugh. I met her and Les at our favorite restaurant that sits right on the beach. But even the salty air wasn’t calming me down today.

I sigh again for the tenth time. “Spit it out, Bridget,” Les says.

I already told them about the break-in and the subsequent saving by one sexy twin. Les was beyond pissed when she found out from Holden, but I assured her they had it taken care of, and I truly believed that. But what I didn’t expect when I got back to my townhouse was a state-of-the-art security system that I found out Dmitri had installed while he was distracting me.

“I kissed them,” I blurt out.

“What?” Evie splutters.

“Oh my god,” I groan and lay my head on the table. “I kissed them.”

“Why don’t you start from the beginning?” Les suggests.

I tell them about Dmitri’s distraction, the pool game before Alexey got there, and the one that happened after. I left out nothing, including their sexy as fuck cousin, Nik. Is there anyone in that family that isn’t edible? When I get to what they said and the kiss, Evie and Les are all ears.

“Wait. So what’s the issue?” Les asks.

“Are you kidding me?” I exclaim and jerk my head up to look at her. “I’ve told you I don’t want anything serious and all I did is make it easier for them to push past my defenses.”

“It sounds to me like they literally obliterated every excuse you’ve had for not giving this a shot,” Evie argues. “Trust me. I get it. But sometimes, it takes someone like them to help you heal. I had to learn that the hard way, don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

“Is this about the ex again?” Les asks gently, and I nod. “Look, he’s a boy. Because only boys treat women like that. Lex and D are men. Grown-ass men who know how to treat a woman. Don’t let one guy’s fuck ups ruin something I already know will be world-changing for you. They even told you in their own words how much they think of you, and that was after one night, babe. Imagine if you gave it all to them.”

“I’m fucking scared, okay?” I declare. “I’m scared I’m going to give them my heart, and they’re going to fuck me over, cheat on me, treat me like shit, just like Travis did. I can’t do that. Because I can already feel how attached to them I am. I’m going to get hurt.”

“You can’t run your whole life, Bridget,” Evie says, grabbing my hand.

“She’s right,” Les agrees. “I’ve known them a long damn time, and never once have I seen them like this with anyone.”

I raise a brow. “Except with you?”

She shakes her head. “They were never like this with me. We were friends, nothing more. We flirted and joked, but that’s all it was. We bonded over our fucked up lives and became each other’s allies.”

“Alexey used to call you his treasure,” I say dryly.

Les laughs. “Yes. But it didn’t mean anything. And it was mostly to get under Ryder’s skin. They’re family, and we’re damn protective over each other, but that’s where it ends.”

“What if I do this and then decide it’s not what I want? I don’t want to hurt them,” I argue.