Nik shakes his head and starts setting up the table. “Ladies first,” he declares, rolling the cue ball to her.

I grab it, line up her shot, and make sure she’s holding the stick correctly. I step behind her like Dmitri had and help her get the stick situated. “Let the tip glide through your fingers when you pull back,” I whisper in her ear. Her body shudders, and I can’t stop the smile. “Perfect. Don’t look at the cue ball; look at your target.”

“Okay,” she says breathlessly. Oh, this is going to be fun.

“Jab the stick forward right in the middle of the cue ball.” She lets it fly, and the cue ball smacks dead center of the racked balls, and she sinks one into the corner pocket.

“Holy shit! I did it!”

“Yes, you did,Boginya,” Dmitri chuckles.

She lines up for the next and misses completely. Dmitri lines up for his own shot. I know how good Dmitri is, and if I let him, he will run the table on us.

“Want to even the odds?” I whisper to Bridget, and she nods. “Distract him.”

She giggles under her breath and moves until she’s in Dmitri’s line of sight. She props her hip on the table so he can see her smooth, creamy thigh. Dirty? Fuck yes. But I’m not above cheating so she can win this game.

His eyes flash to her thigh and then to my face. He knows exactly what I’m doing. We can read each other inside and out. And not just because we are twins. We got good at talking without saying a word around this house because Viktor had ears everywhere.

“That’s fucking bullshit,” Nik laughs, seeing what’s going on.

“What?” Bridget asks innocently. “I’m just resting.”

Dmitri raises a brow, lines his shot up, and closes his eyes. He pulls back and lets it fly, sinking his shot. Fucking showoff.

“How in the hell?” Bridget gapes.

“I’m good with more than just one stick,Boginya.”

“I feel like I shouldn’t be here anymore,” Nik grumbles, making us laugh. “Take your shot, asshole.”

The game continues with me coaching Bridget and her trying to distract Dmitri. When that doesn’t work, she starts distracting Nik. He tries his best to keep from looking, and I wanted to be jealous, but I know the draw Bridget has.

It gets down to the eight ball, and it’s our turn, Bridget’s shot. “You got this,Moya zhizn,” I encourage.

“Oh, yeah. No pressure, right?” she mumbles before lining up for her shot. Dmitri steps into her line of sight and adjusts his cock through his jeans right when she lets go for the shot. It goes wide, and she scratches the cue ball. Dirty fucking asshole. He’s going to pay for that.

“What happened?” Dmitri asks, trying not to laugh.

“Fuck you,” Bridget says sweetly, laying the stick down.

“Nice to meet you,” Nik says. “Don’t forget about later,” he says to us before leaving the room.

Bridget turns around, and the move puts her chest to chest with me. “Oh,” she breathes, feeling the same thing D and I are feeling. The same thing we felt the night at the hotel. I walk toward her until I back her up against the side of the pool table.

“You feel that, don’t you?” I ask, bracing my hands on the table, boxing her in. “Why do you fight it?”

“It’s not just as simple as sexual attraction, Alexey.”

“You think that’s all this is? Yes, of course, I’m sexually attracted to you, but that’s not all it is for me or for him.”

“That’s the problem,” Bridget says, placing her hands on my chest. “I don’t want anything more.”

“Why not,Moya zhizn?”

“Because I refuse to be ruled over by someone again. I want to be someone’s equal.” I knew her reservations had to do with a guy. You can see it in her eyes. It’s time she realizes we aren’t like him.

I pull back until I can see her eyes. “You aren’t my equal.” She sucks in a breath and shoves at my chest, but I push in closer. “You’re so far fucking above me. I don’t want to rule over or control you,Moya zhizn. I want to fall at your feet and worship you. I want you by my side, not behind me.”