“I don’t need protection,” Greta argues, crossing her arms over her chest.

Caden chuckles. “The Boss has spoken. You want us to go against Les? No way.”

“I have guys that I trust. You won’t even know that they are there,” Ghost promises.

“I agree with them, Greta. This shit is heating up. You know how this goes,” I say. Greta’s been around more than one gang war, and this is exactly what this is heating up to be.

“Fine,” Greta grumbles.

Caden grins. “Love you, G.”

She tries to hold onto her stern look but finally loses her battle, smiling at Caden. “You’re too cute for your own good.”

“We’ll come back in the morning for clean up,” I tell her, kissing her cheek. “Go check on Paul.”

“Good boys,” she says. “All of you.” She struts off to the ambulance Paul is in. We watch her go and then turn back to each other.

“This means war. You fucking know that, right?” Caden says finally.

“We should have shut them down a long time ago. Let’s go see what we can pull from the cameras we placed,” Ghost says.

In agreement, we pile into the cars and head back to Ghost’s house. He wanted the cameras to pick up every little bit of information possible. Holden set them up to record in thirty-minute intervals, which are then saved to a hard drive at Ghost’s. The feed can also be picked up in real time if someone is available to watch.

We get back to Ghost’s and head straight to his office, and I try to ignore the looks he and Caden keep giving each other. I can tell they want to be doing something way more fun together than this, but they also know that business comes first.

We comb through two hours of footage and never hear a word from Tink about going after Greta.

“Are we sure this is him?” Caden asks, rubbing his eyes. “Because he hasn’t said shit about Greta.”

“It makes sense, though,” Ghost argues. “What better way to hurt us than go after people we care about.”

Caden sits up in his chair. “Do you think Bridget’s a target?”

“I doubt it,” I say. “She’s only been down here a handful of times. He probably hasn’t made the connection yet.”

“Call her if it makes you feel better,” Ghost soothes.

Caden picks up his phone from the desk and dials.

“You better have a good fucking reason for calling me at one in the morning, Caden Harris,” Bridget answers, sounding half asleep.

“We had some shit go down. I just wanted to check on you.”

“As you can see, I’m fine,” she says through a yawn. I can see her in my mind right now and try to stop that train of thought. It’s hard as fuck not to notice her. But I won’t step over that line for Lex and D. “Are you coming over later?”

Caden glances at Ghost. “No. I’m staying with Ghost.”

“Ohhhhhh, shit.” Now she sounded fully awake. “Did you guys kiss and make up? Tell me all the nasty details.”

“You’re on speakerphone,” Ghost laughs.

“I don’t give a fuck.” Damn, I like her.

“Hey, Bridget,” I call out.

“If it isn’t Mr. Lickable himself. Hey, Banger.” I raise an eyebrow, and Caden chokes on a laugh. “Can I ask you a question, Banger?”

“I’m kind of afraid to agree, but sure.”