Caden gasps. “I must have missed the driveway.” He flops on the couch. “Get on with it.”

I sit beside him. “That kiss yesterday.”

“Don’t worry. It won’t happen again.”

“Will you fucking look at me?” I demand. He turns his head slowly toward me, and all I want to do is kiss that doubt off his face, but I can tell that’s not what he needs right now. “I want it to happen again.”

“No. It’s fine. I get it. You didn’t like it….” he trails off. “Wait, what?”

“I want it to happen again,” I repeat. “You caught me off guard, and that won’t happen again. I pulled back from you when Mercy walked in because I was confused. Not because of kissing a guy but because I was kissing my best friend.”

Caden eyes me doubtfully. “You liked it?”

“Yes, I did, and if you would have stayed, I was going to run Mercy off and finish what you started.” I move closer. “Tell me that’s what you want. Tell me you want to do this with me. If you have any doubt, say so now because I won’t fuck up this friendship any more than I already have.”

“This isn’t just some experiment?” I shake my head. “Or just about sex?” I shake my head again. “What does this mean then?”

“It means that I want a relationship. With you.”

“I won’t be some dirty secret, Ghost.”

I move even closer, pushing my body into his until he has to lie down on the couch. I brace my hands beside his head. “You won’t be a dirty secret. I don’t give a fuck what people think. You should know that by now.”

“Okay, then. Shut up, and fucking kiss me already.”

With a roll of my eyes, I slam my lips against his, and just like yesterday, it lights up every fucking nerve ending.

Caden opens his mouth for me to stroke his tongue with mine, and his groan is almost my undoing. I settle my hips between his and let my hard cock rub against his. I’ve never felt anything like this, and I sure as fuck am not a virgin. Kissing Caden feels like everything I’d been missing in life.

His hands slide under my shirt, and I sit back long enough to jerk it over my head and get rid of his. Caden’s body is hard but not overly so, and the amount of muscle he hides under his shirt is surprising. I lay back down so we’re chest to chest and go back to his lips. He takes his time exploring my body with his hands, and I can’t stop the shudder that wracks my body.

“Fuck,” he pants, jerking his mouth away. I start kissing down his neck, and he turns his head to give me better access. “Am I dreaming? This is some kind of fucked up dream that I’m going to wake up from and be pissed as hell, isn’t it?”

I chuckle and move to his shoulder. “Not a dream,” I murmur against his skin. I’ve fantasized about this but never knew how to approach the situation. Caden’s more open with his actions, and I always played them off as jokes. Until now. Every time he’s touched me, flirted, or anything else flashes through my mind. It all makes so much fucking sense now.

I continue down his chest, stopping at the butterfly tattoo that spans from shoulder to shoulder, the bottom of it resting on his sternum. He got caught up in some shit when Les had a stalker, and the sick fucker cut ‘mine’ into Caden's chest. If I’m honest with myself, that’s the moment I knew I had feelings for Caden. Seeing him lying there bleeding tore my fucking heart out. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I lick over his flat nipples and watch goosebumps pebble his skin.

“How far are you taking this, Ghost?”

I look up and grin. “Really, really fucking far.”

“Shit,” Caden chuckles. “I never thought I’d see the day.”

“What day?” I ask, kissing right above his jeans, watching his muscles bunch under the skin.

“The day you were centimeters from my cock.”

I kiss his cock right through his jeans, making the most delicious moan leave his mouth. “Not going to lie. I’ve thought about this for a while now. What it would be like to touch you.” I reach out and unbutton his jeans. “What it would be like to kiss you.” I unzip them. “What it would be like to taste you.” I reach my hand into his boxers and wrap my hand around his dick.


“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I grumble, looking toward the sound of Banger’s voice. “Get the fuck out!”

“As much as I want to let you two continue, Hellraisers retaliated. They went after Les’ Place and Greta.”

Caden flies up to sit on the couch. “Oh hell no.”

“Give us a second,” I tell Banger. Banger grins and backs out of the house. I look at Caden. “To be continued.”