I sigh and lean back in my chair. “I need advice.” Micah nods for me to continue. “It’s about Caden.”

“Just your friend Caden?” he asks sarcastically. “Go on.”

“How did you move past all the bullshit with Van?” I ask bluntly. I’m not the type to beat around the bush, and Micah appreciates that.

“You mean coming to terms with the fact that I was in love with a man?”

“No. It’s not that.” I run my fingers through my hair. “Fuck, it is like that. But not because he’s a man. This is Caden.”

Micah’s eyes widen. “You’re in love with Caden?”

“What? I didn’t say that.” I pause. Shit, I did. “I don’t know to be honest.”

“You don’t know how to separate the friend Caden from whatever you’re feeling?” Micah guesses, and I nod. He shrugs. “Look, don’t make the same mistakes I did. Get your shit together and either tell him how you feel or let it ruin your friendship. Yeah, it’s different moving from the friend zone to a relationship, but the outcome from that can be something fucking beautiful. Friendship is the best laid path to a relationship.” I can’t believe this is Micah I’m talking to. Before, he would have told me to eat shit before answering these questions. I don’t know who made him open up, but all of us are thankful he isn’t a dick anymore.

“So, you’re saying to throw it all in?”

“Do you know how Caden feels?” I have a pretty good idea. I nod. “Then talk to him. You don’t need me to tell you what the right thing is. You already know.”

I let that sink in for a few minutes, and Micah just waits me out. “I’ll talk to him.”

“Good,” he says. “Now for the other thing. Your father.”

“What about him?”

“You know Holden’s been tracking his movements, and so far, he hasn’t left Rose Hills. Hart and Gray have been watching ports, and there haven’t been any more shipments either, that we can tell. Have you heard anything?”

“Not since I left Rose Hills the last time. He’s going to make a move, though. He’s just biding his time.”

“And you’ll let us know when he does?”

I don’t blame him for asking. Not since I went off on my own the last time, which was a stupid move for many different reasons. “I told you I would.”

“I know you did, but I also know how your mind works because you think just like I did. You swear you can do it on your own, so you don’t have to involve anyone, but I’m here to say that’s bullshit. Lean on your friends, Ghost.”

I don’t know if I can, but I sure as fuck am going to try.

I flip my phone around in my hand for the four-hundredth time. I came straight home after leaving Micah’s, deadset on calling Caden but all I’ve done is stare at the phone.

Shaking my head at myself, I finally swipe the screen to Caden’s contact and dial.


“Come to the house. We need to talk.”

“You know,” Caden says. “I’m about tired of hearing that.”

“You left before we could settle anything.”

Caden laughs, but it’s humorless. “I left because I was giving you an out.”

“An out? For fucking what?” I growl. “I’m not ashamed of what happened, goddamnit. Come over so we can talk.”

The line goes silent for so long that I have to look to make sure he’s still there. “I’ll be over in ten,” he finally says, and the line goes dead.

I pace my living room for the ten minutes it takes to hear his Mustang pull right into the front fucking yard. He busts in the front door seconds later. “Let’s talk.”

I look at him and pointedly out the window where his bumper is almost touching my front porch. “I told you to stop parking in the yard.”