“More than it already is?” Ghost asks from the driver’s seat. “We’ve let it slide more than once. That shit stops tonight.”

I nod in agreement. I’m all about teaching someone a lesson.

Five minutes later, Ghost drives deeper into Hellraiser’s turf and pulls into an alley beside a run down restaurant. “His apartment is on the second floor. It’s Hellraiser owned, so that’s all that lives here,” Caden explains. “He lives in 202.”

We file out and melt into the shadows, headed to the fire escape that will take us straight to Tink’s apartment.

Ghost takes off running, jumps to grab the last rung of the rusty ladder, and pulls himself onto the landing. We follow behind him doing the same thing and stop when we get to Tink’s window. All the lights are off, and we don’t hear a sound.

“Wait here,” Ghost whispers. He pulls a knife from the sheath on the back of his pants and sticks the tip between the window and frame. He wiggles it a few times until the lock slides open. Sheathing his knife, he raises the window and slips inside.

Two minutes later, he pops back into the window. “Coast is clear.”

“Jesus fuck, Ghost. Don’t do that shit,” Caden grumbles. Ghost grins and slips back into the shadows. “I really hate that shit.”

We file in and start laying the devices for recording in random places while Ghost keeps an eye out. Once done, we destroy everything in his apartment. Smashing the TVs, slashing his furniture, ripping everything from the dresser, and turning it over. Anything that’s in one piece definitely isn’t by the time we leave the apartment.

Game on, motherfucker.

Chapter 6


Afterwedestroyedeverythingwe could last night, I went home to think. Things with Caden are still rocky, but after that fucking kiss, it’s all I can think about.

I know I always played it off that I just saw Caden as a friend, but that’s such bullshit. When Caden and I became friends, it was instant. We were inseparable, and this time without him has sucked. But I need to get my head on right when it comes to him. I’ve fucked up a lot in my life, and this isn’t going to be one of them.

I drove to Micah’s this morning because I knew I could talk to him. He went through some shit when it came to Van, and I knew he could offer some advice. Mine wasn’t quite the same but advice is advice.

I ring the doorbell on their new house, and Evie answers it with a smile on her face. “Hey, Ghost.”

I kiss her cheek and step inside, shutting the door behind me. “Hey. Micah around?”

“He’s in his office.” I follow her through the house, and when I pass the living room, I hear the best thing anyone can ever hear.

“Ghost!” Maria screams, barreling around the corner. She hits my legs, and I scoop her up in my arms.

“Hey, Squirt.”

“Come play! Come play!”

I chuckle and continue following Evie. “I can’t play right now. I need to talk to Papa first.”

She sticks her lip out in the cutest pout. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear this is Evie’s biological child. She even has the same brown hair and eyes. Evie knocks on Micah’s office door and pushes it open. “Ghost is here.”

“Thanks,La mia stella.”

“Papa! Ghost won’t play.”

“You little,” I cut myself off before I can finish that sentence when Micah lifts a brow. I hand her to Evie. “Just remember, snitches get stitches.”

She giggles. “Snitches get stitches.”

“Oh, that’s just great,” Evie says dryly before leaving the room.

“I’m so dead for that one, aren’t I?” I ask, sitting in front of Micah’s desk.

“Probably. Between you and fucking Gage, I don’t know who teaches her more shit she’s not supposed to say.” He closes his laptop. “What did you need to talk about?”