“The fuck it is,Boginya.” I’ll be damned if the sound of Dmitri’s voice doesn’t make my pussy pay attention. Traitorous bitch.

“Lex, man, back off.” That comes from an even deeper voice. I turn to it, and it’s the guy from Les’ party, Banger. Why the hell do all these guys have to be so hot?

Alexey’s head snaps up. He and Banger have an intense stare off before Alexey peels his fingers slowly from the other guy's shirt. He turns to me, and just that one look has my heart beating out of control. I do my best to avoid them or situations like this because I know how my body reacts to them.

It makes me want to climb them like trees.

Chapter 5


Iturnaroundandface the woman that’s been in my dreams since that night at the hotel.

No one has ever captured my attention like her. Ever since I was first introduced, I knew I needed her, as did Dmitri. It was never even a question of whether we would share her or not. We usually did. Emotions didn’t get entangled that way. Until Bridget.

“Hello,Moya zhizn.”

She raises a red brow. “Hello, Alexey. Bye, Alexey.” She turns on her heel and shoves through the front door, leaving me staring after her.

“Good one,” Caden laughs, slapping me on the back, following her out. What I wouldn’t give to be in his place. She so easily lets him be with her but refuses anything my brother and I offer. I know we agreed to no strings, but the moment I saw her come apart between us, I knew that she was ours.

I turn back to the man that thought he could disrespect her. “If you ever even look in her direction, I’ll eat your heart for breakfast.” The guy nods rapidly and slips past me to the front door. I roll my shoulders back to relieve some tension.

“So, that went well,” Banger laughs. If I didn’t respect him so much, he’d be eating my fucking fist.

“She’ll come around,” I say, and Dmitri nods in agreement.

Banger lifts a brow. “You know you sound creepy as hell when you say that, right? And you’ve also been saying that for a while now.”

I don’t know how else to show her that we would treat her like royalty. Unlike how our father treated Mama. If we used him as an example of anything, it’s how not to treat a woman.

“We have to go,” Dmitri says, looking at the time on his phone. “We have that meeting.”

I nod, and we say our goodbyes before going outside and sliding into my dark blue Lamborghini. I make it to the main highway toward our house before Dmitri turns in the seat to face me.

“What we’re doing isn’t working,” he states.

“I’m aware,” I admit. “What else are we supposed to do?”

“I think we need to step it up.”

“Do you think we’re wasting our time?” I ask the one thing that plagues me every goddamn day. Even as I ask the question, I swat it away. “Bridget’s worth it.”

Dmitri grunts in answer, sits back in his seat, and we drive the rest of the way to the estate in silence.

After my father’s death, we moved back into the main house. Even though all we wanted to do was burn it to the ground, we kept it to show we could handle this. But the truth is, we don’t know how to run a criminal empire. Viktor never showed us anything. His ego was too big to let go of even the slightest bit of control. So when he died, we handed it over to our cousin, Nikolay, from our mom's side. I imagine Father is rolling in his grave knowing we did that. But Nikolay is the only person we trust to run this family until we are ready. And just because we don’t sit on the throne doesn’t mean we aren’t involved in daily business.

I pull through the front gate and straight up the driveway to the front of the house. Dmitri and I climb from the car and make our way inside to the conference room at the back of the house.

The whole inside had to be renovated after Alessa and her guys played heroes and rescued Mama from here. It’s crazy to think that was over a year ago, and she’s been in New York with Aldo ever since.

We push through the conference room doors, and Nikolay nods his head for us to sit by his side. I look around the room on the way to my chair and catch Cian Moren sitting there. He politely nods, and I have to control not scowling at him after the last meeting we attended with him there.

“Now that we’re all here,” Nikolay says once Dmitri and I are seated to his left, side by side. “We have some business to discuss.” He gestures to Cian. “Why don’t you start?”

“I’ve already talked to Evander and Mateo, but I wanted to apologize for how the last meeting went. My cousin is no longer a part of this family, as far as I’m concerned. I want to start these alliances off on a better foot.”

I lean my arms on the table, folding them in front of me. “So, you called a meeting for that?” I hate when people waste my time.