I turn my back to them so she can’t see me smile. There is no fighting over Bridget. She’s become the center of our universe.

“Mom,” Banger groans. “No. Can we drop this?”

“Absolutely not. You guys are like brothers. You can’t let a girl come between you.”

I put everything onto plates and carry them to the table. I take my seat, and we eat in awkward silence. The only sound in the room is the clock on the wall ticking and the scrape of the silverware on the plates. Ada pushes her plate back. “That was so good. Thank you for doing that, Dmitri.”

“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.”

“Now, tell me what’s going on.”

“Jesus,” Banger sighs. “We’re both dating her. Okay? Knowingly and willingly. So are Caden, Ghost, and Lex.” Banger drops his forehead on the table. “And maybe Nik.”

I watch Ada’s face closely, looking for any reaction. Her eyes are flicking back and forth between the two of us. “Okay,” she says slowly. “I’m not sure what to say to that. Is it serious?”

“It’s new. Very new,” Banger answers, lifting his head. I’m going to have to give him shit later for being so fucking dramatic. “Just know that I’m happy.”

“That’s all I want for you, Roman. Or for any of you boys. I like her. I think she’ll be good for you all. Maybe she can keep you in line.”

I can’t help the laugh that escapes. If anyone’s going to keep us in line, it would be Bridget, if she wanted to. But she likes us just the way we are. “You can bet on it, Ada.”

We finish breakfast, steering clear of the entire relationship conversation. Until we figure it all out, it’s probably for the best. Banger and I clean up the dishes and tell his mom goodbye.

Once in the car, Banger drives into one of the many abandoned lots in downtown Abbs Valley and turns to face me in the seat. “I’m going to suggest something, and you have to promise not to punch me in the throat.” I raise a brow in question. “I think you should get behind the wheel of a car again.” Banger holds a hand up when I open my mouth. “You don’t even have to drive it yet. Just sit behind the wheel.”

My hands start shaking immediately, and I clench them into fists, pissed off that I can’t let this go after all this time. I think about my answer, and just when I think I can do it, my heart starts thumping in my chest, and the vision of the car burning around me pops behind my eyes. “I can’t,” I croak.

“It’s cool,” Banger soothes. “Maybe another time.” He shifts into gear, and I grab his arm to stop him from pulling out of the parking lot.

“Just…give me a minute.”

Banger nods and shifts back into park. Why can’t I just sit behind the goddamn steering wheel? I drove to Bridget’s that night, yes, but she was in danger, and there was no way I was letting anything happen to her. No matter how much it fucked me up inside.

We sit there for five minutes before my heart rate returns to almost normal, and my hands barely have tremors. “Switch spots with me,” I say.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I push my door open before I change my mind and pass Banger at the hood. I hesitate for a second before sucking it up and sliding behind the steering wheel, and slamming the door. Banger gets into the passenger side and relaxes back in his seat. Every time I reach to even run my hands over the wheel, my hands start to shake.

“When I was six, I wrecked my bike and broke my arm,” Banger says, staring through the windshield. “I was fucking terrified to get back on it when I could. My dad told me to just sit on it until I felt better about riding it. It took me a long time, but eventually, I did.” He finally turns to look at me. “I know that’s not nearly as close as what you went through, but I thought it might work for you too. My dad sat with me for hours a day until I was ready, and I’m willing to do the same thing for you.”

Words are locked in my throat, so all I can do is nod. I know we picked the right people to build a family with, and this just proves it. I look over at Banger, and that’s when I see the car flying into the parking lot. He catches sight of it in the side mirror at the same time and twists in the seat to look through the back window. Two more appear with it, and Banger and I look at each other.

“Drive, D.”

“We have time to switch.” Even as I say it, I know it’s bullshit.

“D. You have to drive,” Banger says, pulling a Glock from under the seat. “Now, man.” I jerk the car into drive and peel from the lot. I don’t have time to panic. All I can think about is getting the fuck away from whoever this is. “They probably have any access to Concrete Row blocked. Take a left from the lot.”

I follow his instructions and fly onto the main road, the cars right on my tail. Bridget’s car isn’t built for a high speed chase with an inexperienced driver behind the wheel.

“At the stop sign, take another right.” Banger punches several buttons on the dash, and Lex’s voice filters through the speakers. “We have problems.” Banger outlines what’s happening, and I can hear Lex start barking orders.

“Where are you headed?”

“Les’ cabin,” Banger answers. “She’s got the firepower stashed there that we’re going to need.”

“We’re on our way,” Lex says, and I can already hear a car firing up. “D. You’ve got this.”