He backs out of the garage and heads toward the gate. “Yeah. I think she still feels bad about mine, so she told me to use it today when I told her where I needed to go.”

“How bad do you think this is going to get?” I ask. Grant already seemed like a bomb waiting to explode. I can’t imagine he’ll take this lying down.

“Really fucking bad. After they do this, we need to stick closer than ever.” That’s not a problem since these are my favorite people to be around.

Twenty minutes later, we pull in front of Banger’s parent's house. As soon as we walk in, his mom greets us at the door, wrapping us both in hugs. “It’s so good to see you,” she says when she gets to me.

“You too, ma’am.”

“What did I tell you about that ma’am nonsense?”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Ada.”

She rolls her eyes. “I guess that’s better, but you can call me just Ada.”

“Okay, just Ada,” I joke, making her laugh. Being around her makes me miss Mama, but I’m glad she’s happy in New York. Even if I’m not a fan of her relationship with Aldo. He’s a damn good man and took her in when he didn’t even know her. But that’s still my mama.

She swats my arm and then hooks hers through it. “Where’s Bridget?”

“At the house,” Banger answers, and Ada’s face splits into a grin. “Stop it, Mom. It doesn’t mean anything.” I can smell that lie from a mile away, but I guess he doesn’t want his Mom to know everything yet. “Where’s Dad?”

Ada leads us to the living room and gets comfortable in her chair while we sit on the couch. “He took that Poletti job, so he’s at work.”

“That’s good. It’s a big job.”

Ada smiles. “It is. We can do so much with that money.”

“Mom, I told you if you need money….”

She cuts Banger off with a look. “We’ve done this for a long time. I told you that we don’t want your money. You work hard for that.”

Banger chokes on a laugh. “You could say that.” If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Banger’s parents have no idea what he really does for a living.

“Have you boys had breakfast? I was about to whip something up.”

“Let me,” I offer, standing from the couch.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that!”

I smile. “I want to.” I leave the living room before she has a chance to argue.

Once in the kitchen, I pull out everything I need. Bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. When the bacon starts sizzling, I hear someone walk into the kitchen. Ada slides into a chair at the table, watching me cook. “What’s really going on with Bridget?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, cracking eggs into a skillet to fry.

“You know exactly what I mean. I watched both of your faces change when I mentioned her. This isn’t going to come between your friendship, is it?”

What the hell am I supposed to tell her if Banger’s not ready? And why is she coming to me? I finally sigh. I can’t lie to her. “It’s not going to come between us. We both care for her.”

“I’m not sure what that means.”

“Maybe you should ask Banger.”

“Romanis keeping his lips sealed.”

“That’s because I’m not ready to talk about it yet,” Banger says, walking into the kitchen. He sits in front of his Mom. “I’m not hiding anything on purpose. I just need time to process.”

“Process what? Are you guys fighting over her?”