“I already know I like it.” Her mouth pops open.

“Are you bi?”

I shake my head. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been with a woman.” Bridget’s eyes get as wide as saucers. That’s something not many people know. It’s not like I’m broadcasting it, and I’ve flirted with the best of them.

“You’re a virgin?!”

“I’m not a virgin, so to speak. I’ve had my dick in something. It just wasn’t a pussy.”

“Are you gay?”

“I don’t know. I just prefer men over women.”

“Holy shit,” Bridget says, sitting up on the couch and crossing her legs under her. I like her like this. No makeup on, so her freckles stand out, her bright red hair piled on top of her head, and in a shirt she stole from me one of the many nights I’ve stayed here. I don’t like going home alone, which is why I spent most of my time at Ghost’s house. Being alone gives me too much time to think, and for someone like me, that’s never a good thing. That’s another thing that pissed me off when Ghost took off for Rose Hills after his dad. He left me here. Alone. “So you’ve never wanted to try with a woman?”

“Not really.” Until Bridget. But I don’t want to ruin the friendship we’re building because I’m curious. I love hanging out with her. She’s real, and she doesn't sugarcoat anything. “Why is that so surprising?”

She gives me a dry look. “Because you’re fucking hot. I figured you’d be drowning in pussy.”

“You think I’m hot?” I ask, batting my eyelashes.

“Shut up,” she laughs. “You know you are.”

“I have another question since I answered yours.”

She flops back on the couch dramatically, throwing her feet in my lap. “Shoot.”

“The Terror Twins. How good was that?”

“How did I know you’d ask that?” She blows a breath out. “Better than fantastic. Fucking mind blowing. I haven’t found anything close to that. I’ve had sex twice since then, and I was bored to tears the whole damn time.”

I bust out laughing. “One dick just isn’t enough anymore?”

“It would be if they knew what they were doing with it.”

“So Lex and D know what they’re doing?”

“Did you miss the mind blowing part of that conversation? Alone, together, it doesn’t matter. They’re sexperts.”

“Sexperts? What the fuck is that?” I laugh.

“Guys who know the basic anatomy of a girl. I mean, how hard is it to find the clit? It’srightthere. And the guys who can’t get you off are the ones who swear the g-spot is a myth.”

I’m full on belly laughing at this point, tears rolling down my damn face. And she’s laughing right along with me. I finally get myself back under control when my phone pings with a message. I dig it from my pocket, swiping open Ghost’s chat screen. I know I’m being a punk by running from the inevitable conversation, but I have no idea what to say.

Ghost: Meet me at the garage. We need to plan.

Caden: Did something else happen?

Ghost: No.

I roll my eyes. “I need a ride back to my car. Duty calls.”

Bridget nods, and I follow her to the front door to slide our shoes on. We walk out to her car and climb inside. She backs smoothly from the spot and pulls out of her parking lot.

“I’m not letting this twins thing go,” I inform her when she’s on the main road.

“I’m not letting this Ghost thing go.”