“Then I guess I’m going to the media. That includes social media as well,” I replied.
Parker shared a look with Soren before turning his attention back to me, and he looked as if he might come toward me. I pushed away from Aria slightly so that she would be blocked from anything he might do and to show I wasn’t afraid of him, Soren, or his organization anymore. “You don’t actually think I told you all of that so that you can tell it to everyone you fucking know, right? There is no way that this news is getting out.”
“I will have no problem slitting your fucking throat if you lay a hand on her. Don’t fucking test me. I have no problem tearing this whole damn world down to avenge even a small prick on her skin.”
I glanced at Soren but shifted my gaze so that my focus remained on Parker. I would deal with Soren later.
It was obvious to me that Parker was caught between a rock and a hard place. Soren probably knew way more about where the proverbial and actual bodies were buried and seemed hell-bent on doing what he could to protect me. Parker would have to take out both of us and potentially his sister in order to maintain the status quo he was so desperate to keep.
Parker sighed heavily and looked away from me. “Fine,” he said, and I knew it took every bit of willpower in him to finally say it. “We’ll change the admission standards for the Chevaliers to allow women in. It won’t happen overnight, but I’ll make sure it happens.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, not quite believing it was that easy. “And you will recognize Margaret Turner for her accomplishments?”
Parker nodded slowly as if he knew there was no other option. “Yes, we will recognize Margaret Turner and give her proper credit for her work in helping to develop this organization into what it is today.”
I could feel the tension in the room start to dissipate as Parker finally conceded and agreed to do what needed to be done. The pressure had lifted off my shoulders. It felt as if I could finally breathe for the first time in days.
“And I’m supposed to believe that you will keep your word?”
“He will,” Soren said as I felt the heat of his gaze on me.
Parker seemed resigned to his fate, and I felt a sense of satisfaction that justice had been served in some small way. Whether or not this would lead to real change remained to be seen, but at least I had taken a stand, and at this moment, I’d won.
I released a deep breath, feeling exhausted from the confrontation and. . . from everything that happened. All I wanted to do was go home and be with Gran. “I want to go home now.”
“I’ll take you,” Soren said. It’s something I knew he would offer, but I didn’t want to hear it.
“Do you think I would ever want to be in the same building as you, let alone in a car where you can dictate where I’m going or what I’m doing, ever again? I don’t want to ever see you again.”
I could see that Soren wanted to argue with me, but my glare persuaded him not to. I hated that the turning point of our relationship had happened under such dark circumstances, but it was what it was.
Aria stepped forward and cleared her throat. “I can drive you to your house,” she said quietly.
“No, you must be tired. Why don’t I drive your car to my house, and you rest before driving yourself home? I do have my driver’s license on me.”
“That would be great,” she said, and I could see the exhaustion settling into her eyes. Hell, she could sleep in the car on the way back for all I cared. Plus, it would give me the opportunity to be with just my thoughts outside of the confinement of Soren’s home.
When I looked at Aria, she gave me a small nod and I turned to the two men in the room. “We would like for you to show us out.”
Soren gave me a look as if he wanted to say something but decided against it. I was glad he didn’t because I wasn’t sure what I would have done if he had tried to talk to me at that point. Soren turned and began walking, and I quickly followed, with Aria walking behind me. I assumed Parker was bringing up the rear, but I refused to look behind me to verify. We all walked in silence as we reached the entrance of the building. Without saying another word, I stepped out of the building with Aria standing next to me.
The cold air hit me like a wave of relief, and I couldn’t help but smile as the sun was starting to rise. For a moment, everything felt right in the world again. As we made our way to Aria’s car, I silently thanked Soren and Parker for finally doing the right thing, even though it had taken far too long for them or anyone else to do so.
Would I ever verbalize my thanks? That remained to be seen after everything that had happened.
Aria handed me her keys and I unlocked the car as we approached it. I quickly got into the driver’s seat and waited as Aria and Parker talked outside of the car. Soren stood several feet away, and I felt the weight of his stare, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of looking his way.
Finally, Aria and Parker said their goodbyes, and I started the car. Once Aria was settled, I drove away from the building. I felt a strange sense of peace wash over me. Despite all the darkness that had surrounded me for months, I was finally on my way home.
It didn’t take long for Aria to fall asleep in the car, just as I suspected she might do. I couldn’t help but look over at the sun as I drove along the highway, casting a warm orange glow across the horizon. Gone were the leaves on the trees, but the branches still swayed with the wind from the cool winter air.
I glanced in the rearview mirror and my eyes landed on Soren, driving what looked to be a fancy sports car. It seemed as if he was following us to make sure that we arrived at our destination safely because he could have easily stopped this whole excursion if he wanted to.
But he hadn’t. He was letting me return home to Gran.
The only thing that kept me company on the drive was the sounds of soft pop and rock tunes that helped the time pass. The sun moved higher in the sky the closer I got to Gran’s home. A few hours later, I pulled into Gran’s driveway and turned the car engine off. Aria was still asleep, and I waited a moment before waking her. I watched as Soren parked his vehicle and noticed another black SUV pull in behind him. I couldn’t see the driver, but for some reason, I didn’t think that was a coincidence.
“Hey, Aria. We’re at my house,” I said as I unbuckled the seat belt.