Page 21 of Spindle of Sin

“Yes, Your Majesty,” he replied. The middle-aged man was new to his position, but decent enough to keep around. Joff moved from Rush’s wardrobe and packed a change of clothing into a small leather sack.

The door to the bedchamber slammed open and Astor strode in wearing a frown on his face. Taking Hana home seemed to have only made him drearier. The shifter paused as he took in Joff packing, then rose a brow at Rush.

“You really need to work on knocking,” Rush said in a flat voice. Anyone else would’ve already received a bloody smile across their throat if they’d barged in.

“I’ve seen your ass before.” Astor filled himself a glass of Rush’s ale and downed it. “Where are you going?”

“Rusmire.” The king pulled a letter from his pocket and held it out for Astor to read. “This came an hour ago from one of the guards I sent to locate the sorceress.” Aura had woken from every slumber she fell into. Even when she didn’t immediately wake, he checked the cellar and confirmed the spell wasn’t completed.

“Rusmire is half a day’s walk.” Astor unfolded the paper and skimmed it over. “And she was seen there three days ago. Do you think she’s still there?”

“That’s what I’m going to find out.” Rush set his glass on the mantle and snapped his fingers at Joff. “Cloak.”

The man snatched it from where it hung in the wardrobe and practically sprinted across the room. He draped it over Rush’s shoulders and fastened the silver clasp. A moment later, the valet held the cinched bag out to him.

Rush slung it over one shoulder and looked at the shifter. “Are you coming with me?”

Astor snorted a laugh. “With the alternative being that I have to listen to Aura bicker and inquire abouteverything? Fuck yes, I’m coming.”

“Good. I want to arrive by midday and stay at the inn, so gather what you need. We’re leaving shortly.”

Astor spun on his heel and left the room, well aware that Rushwouldleave without him. He’d done it on the last journey when the hawk spent too long gathering his belongings. Rush moved quicker without him, but it was beneficial to have someone watch his back on occasion.

Rush waved Joff from the room and plucked a small sack of gold from one of the ornate boxes on the fireplace mantel. He tucked it into his black tunic alongside the parchment with his spell. He’d find the bitch sorceress in Rusmire and get an explanation as to why the spell wasn’t working properly.

Rush took a deep breath and strode out of his room. Tanix stood in the hall, dressed in his black uniform. “You,” Rush growled. “Keep a close eye on the girl while I’m gone. Two guards—no, three—on her tail at all times, understood? No one touches her unless she’s wounded. If they do, my dragon will burn them to ash.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” he agreed with a small bow, his face tight with worry.

Rush stormed through the palace, eager to get his answers from the sorceress. Aura couldn’t escape the palace grounds, but he didn’t need her attempting it either. Falling asleep wouldn’t harm her, but doing it in the wrong place could. Falling too far, tumbling into the pond … it was better to have her watched every moment he was away.

“Ready,” Astor said, panting as he caught up with Rush near the entrance to the palace.

“Keep up,” Rush said, flicking his hood over his head as they approached the stables.

Brix met him just outside with two brown mares. A rush of blistering anger flowed through him at the sight of the handsome stable hand. Yes, hehadtold Aura she was free to fuck anyone but seeing it was another thing. It didn’t matter they’d fucked the same women at a few of his orgies—Aura didn’t belong to Brix.

“Your Majesty,” he practically squeaked. Rush sneered in response, squaring his shoulders to make himself larger.

“Two?” Astor asked. “How did you know I’d be back in time to join you?”

“I didn’t.” Rush ripped the reins of the younger horse from Brix’s hand. “I asked him to saddle two so I could choose which I preferred.”

Astor laughed and swung himself onto the second horse. “Wouldn’t it be easier to fly?”

“For you,” Rush snarled. A hawk was inconspicuous. He would blend in and go unnoticed, while Rush’s dragon could cast an entire farm in shadow. If the sorceress was evading him, he wouldn’t announce himself so boldly. He mounted his mare and nudged her with his heels.

Astor rode beside him down the wooded path leading south. Astor whistled a somber tune as they journeyed. Whistled and whistled until, halfway to Rusmire, Rush wasn’t able to ignore it for another moment.

“What the fuck is wrong?” he growled.

Astor sighed, head thrown back. “Hana doesn’t remember me...”

Rush rolled his eyes. “What did you think would happen? You’re the one who wanted to use the potion on her.”

“I know.” Astor groaned and rubbed the back of his neck. “It was the only option. I didn’t want to keep her prisoner.”

“Find someone else’s cunt to fuck. She was probably tiring of you anyway.”