Page 24 of Spindle of Sin

Pausing as they passed a booth selling sheer, scanty clothing for just such an occasion, Rush observed the fabrics. Hanging in the corner was a long, sheer crimson dress that drew his gaze. A silver shine was woven into the fabric, concealing the important parts beneath while also allowing a hint of skin to tease the eye. Before his dragon could make his opinion known on the glimmering garment, he reached for his coins.

“You plan everything,” Rush informed Astor. “And make it fucking extravagant.”

Rush followed the sound of a piano that drifted out from the ballroom, the melody swift and chaotic. The doors were wide open and, inside, one of the guards sat behind the instrument, fingers flying over the keys. Aura spun around the center of the room with a young boy, barely ten—the son of the guard on the piano, if he remembered correctly. She guided the dance, counting steps while he giggled. Two other guards stood just inside the door, watching.

“Hello, kitten,” Rush called from the doorway.

The song came to an abrupt halt and the boy lurched away from Aura to bow. Rush had demanded that no one touch her, but his dragon wouldn’t burn a mere child to ash.

“Did you miss me?” he asked, prowling toward her.

“Miss you?” she scoffed. “I wasn’t even aware you’d left until the guards were swarming around me like gnats.”

His lips curled into a smirk. “Leave us,” he ordered. When Aura moved to follow the others, he grasped her wrist. “Not you.”

“We have nothing to discuss unless it’s you mentioning how Hana is faring,” she hissed, trying in vain to pull away.

The moment the door shut behind the guards and little boy, Rush tugged her closer so her chest was pressed against his. “Your sister is back home and in one piece. But I’m having a … gathering next week. Astor is arranging it as we speak.”

Aura wrinkled her nose. “Do your pleasuring away from my room this time.” She pushed at him and he allowed her to step back so he could reach into his cloak. He pulled out a paper-wrapped package and held it out for her. “What’s this?”

“A gift.”

“A gift?” She arched a brow and flipped the package over. “Why?”

Rush crossed his arms. “Open it.”

Aura looked from the present to him and back to the gift with a crease between her brows. Slowly, she tore into the paper until it fell to the floor. Left in her hands was a pool of crimson fabric. Her eyes narrowed as she held it up by the shoulders, letting the skirt fall.

“What isthis?” she hissed.

“Your dress.” He grinned. “For the party.”

Aura’s lips parted as his words sunk in and a soft blush rose in her cheeks. “I’m not going to yourorgyand I’m certainly never wearingthis!”

“Oh, you’ll wear it, kitten.”

A harsh laugh fell from her lips. “I certainly willnot.”

“You’re forgetting I know where your family is.” He lifted one of the curls that hung over her shoulder and pulled gently, letting it spring back up. “How easy would it be for Astor to drag Hana here and chain her to that wall again, eh? So you’ll wear what I tell you to wear and come to the party with a smile on that pretty face. Won’t you?”

Her breasts rose and fell with each heavy breath. Defiance shone in her eyes, but so did fear. “Iwillkill you,” she promised.

“Hmm, perhaps.” He chuckled. “But not before I see you in that dress.”

Chapter Nine


Aura studied the scarlet dress in her hands as they shook with fury. The King of Sin had given her a sheer garment to wear to his party. And by party, from his reputation, she knew it meantorgy. The only thing that was keeping her from shredding the fabric to pieces, then throttling him, was Rush’s threats and his warning about her sister. If he chained Hana to the wall again, she didn’t know if he would hurt her sister. She wouldn’t let that happen.

“And what are you planning to have me do at thisparty?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

He stepped forward, his muscles flexing beneath his tight tunic, and a knowing smile spread across his shapely lips. His molten silver eyes seemed to ignite with a hidden secret while studying her. “You’ll behave and act as though I’m your king, that you bow down to me, that youwantme.”

Aura scoffed. “No one will believe that lie.”

“Then make them believe it,” he cooed. “The staff in the palace believe we are fucking anyway. That you’re enjoying our little game.” His smoky scent caressed her senses as he drew even nearer, his chest only a hair’s breadth from touching her breasts.