His steward’s question was loaded far too heavily. Morozko drew in a breath, smoothing the lines on his brow. “Well enough,” he responded tersely.

“With all due respect, I believe that’s a lie.”

A lie?Morozko scowled at Xezu, hating the mere fact that he was able to pick up on his state of being. Because, in truth, he wasn’t well enough. Eirah had almost died in his arms, and while she was healing in her room, he’d had time to dissect what that meant to him. He’d grown attached to her, even realized it had bloomed into a deeper emotion.Love?He’d never loved a thing in his life, not even himself. So how could he love another?

Still, the idea of living a life without Eirah in it seemed dull and lackluster. He’d grown accustomed to her presence, and when he no longer had her near him, Morozko longed for it once more.

“I think you ought to tell her,” Xezu prompted.

Morozko stopped himself from snapping at him, stopped the words—tell her what?—from spilling from his lips because it was pointless. If Xezu knew, it was rather obvious.

“What if—”

“She chooses not to stay with you and lives a life with the other immortals?” Xezu finished, then stroked his chin, a shrewdness glimmering in his eyes. “Then, I say she chose wisely, Your Majesty.”

Heat flooded Morozko’s cheeks as his temper flared to life. He stalked forward, finger raised, but wasn’t able to get the words out in time.

“I must say, this is refreshing to see. King Morozko unsure of himself…” Xezu smiled warmly and continued, “Eirah has a choice, and it is hers to make, but she needs to knoweverything.And I mean how youfeel, Your Majesty.” He rapped his fingers against his chest, then dipped his head. “I think it’s time I leave you to do just that. Oh… the last I saw her, she was in the foyer.”

Before Morozko could open his mouth to chide his steward, the man left the room.

The last thing Morozko wanted to do was suss through his feelings, but he had to admit, he was fond of Eirah in a way that melted his icy layers. She saw through them to him. And that continuous pull drew him across the room and into the hall.

His brisk stride brought him down the corridor to the grand stairwell, and as he descended the steps, Morozko surveyed the foyer. He spotted two guards at their posts, standing rigidly, but no Eirah. He frowned.

Ulva walked by, took notice of him, and bobbed a curtsy. “Your Majesty.”

“Eirah?” He narrowed his eyes, not glaring but in confusion. “She was down here.”

“She’s in her room. I just drew a bath for her. She said her body needed the numbing warmth after all her efforts.” Ulva pressed her lips together to keep from smiling and glanced away from him.

Morozko didn’t say another word as he turned on his heel and ascended the stairs once again. His heart raced, melding with his thoughts and the notion of a bare Eirah soaking in steaming water. His needs had no place here, not while he wished to speak on heavier matters, but it was undeniable. Morozko yearned for Eirah. His cock straining against his trousers was proof of that. But he could nearly taste her lips against his, only adding to his silent torment.

Once at her door, his eyes met with Kusav’s, who bowed his head. Morozko thought about knocking, but it seemed foolish to begin doing so now. After he’d already ravished her, and all the times he’d just abruptly walked in. But this was different, a monumental occasion when the Frost King would admit how he felt.

Kusav visibly bit the inside of his cheek, likely to keep from blathering about Eirah being in the bath, which was all the push Morozko needed.

He opened the door—Eirah was not on her bed nor at her desk, fiddling with her tools, or rummaging through her wardrobe. Morozko used his heel to return the room to privacy. The scent of juniper spilled into the bedroom from the bathing chamber, courtesy of Ulva’s soap-making. Gone were the remnants of his clove, and instead clung the floral fragrance. Clean and comforting.

Morozko removed his cape, folding and placing it at the bottom of her bed before padding into the next room. Eirah lounged in the bath, head tilted back as the steam rose around her. She appeared to be sleeping, but he knew better.

As he stepped forward, her lips twitched to keep from smiling. His cock hardened at once, imagining slipping into her welcoming depths and pulling moans of pleasure from her.

Morozko knelt behind the tub and leaned in toward Eirah’s ear. She still didn’t acknowledge him by speaking, however, her skin was covered in gooseflesh. “Hello, little bird,” he cooed softly, dragging his nose down the smooth column of her neck to kiss and nip at her shoulder.

“Still haven’t learned the art of knocking, I see.” Her breath hitched as he bit down with a little more pressure.

“What’s the point? It’s my castle anyway,” he murmured, dipping his hands into the water to take the cloth from her. Morozko brushed the fabric over her nipples, and the peaks hardened as he swiped over them again.

Eirah shifted in the tub, expelling a shaky breath. “Did you only come in here to tease me?”

Morozko skated his lips along her shoulder, then back up to her ear. “Mayhaps. It is what I’m best at.”

“Do continue then,” she groused in play.

He shifted the cloth into his opposite hand, using it to taunt her nipple once more. Eirah wasn’t the only one affected by his ministrations. His length strained against his trousers, but he could wait until she was ready for him.

Morozko dropped the cloth off to the side, this time using his fingers to circle around her hardened peaks until Eirah’s back arched and she moaned.