Eirah’s lips parted, and she was at a loss for words, unsure of what to say. Her hand left his to cradle his face. “As for you, I wouldn’t change anything at all.”

“Oh, I’m sure you would.” He chuckled. “But I have another matter to discuss. A recent vision.”

A pit formed in her stomach, nervousness crawling through her. “Oh? Is it something worse? Please tell me it isn’t.” The full moon wasn’t far away, and she at least wanted peace to remain until then.

“No, in fact, I think it may please you.” Morozko brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them softly. “There’s one more spell for you to cast before the full moon if you and the mortals wish. It’s a way to protect them, to give them what we have.”

Eirah’s brow furrowed. “What is it?”

“You are the first witch, Eirah, and as such, we don't know what to expect. But in my vision, I saw the villagers become immortal, and it was because of you.”

Eirah blinked, taking in what he’d said. The entire village could become immortal? It wasn’t only a favorable thing that they could live forever if they chose—it would protect them more easily against the changelings. The lesser demons could still slaughter, but they wouldn’t be able to sneak their way inside innocent mortal bodies and hide.

“So, Saren and my father may live forever?” she asked.

He nodded. “If they want to, then yes.”

Giddiness swarmed through her as her heart swelled, but if they chose not to, she would accept it. She pushed up from the bed when Morozko drew her into his lap, her hands catching on his shoulders. “I think not, little bird,” he whispered in her ear, his voice gruff.

She looked down at him with a grin. “And you truly believe you can still tell me what to do?”

“I am king, aren’t I?” He smirked. “The mortals can wait a few moments. Let me be selfish a little longer.”

Eirah relaxed in his arms and her fingers entwined in his hair. He closed his eyes at her touch, and she pressed her lips to his. “I want you so very much.”

“I’ll give into anything you damn well please,” he purred. “That is if you aren’t hurting.”

“I’m more than fine. And clean.”

“I would take you dirty.” Morozko’s lips fell to her neck, and he trailed open-mouth kisses along her jaw. His hands skimmed down her waist, gripping her buttocks and urging her closer. His length hardened against her, making her eyelids flutter. “So dirty.”

The door opened, and Eirah froze, her gaze connecting with her father. Heat stormed up her neck and spilled into her cheeks.

“Oh, oh my. Does no one knock around here?” Her voice came out high-pitched as she crawled off of Morozko.

“I can— I can come back,” her father stuttered, turning to leave.

“No need, Fedir,” Morozko called, not a hint of embarrassment on the king’s face. “I suppose you would like to see your daughter.” He stood from the bed, kissing her knuckles once more. “I’ll see you soon, little bird. We can finishthislater.”

Eirah narrowed her eyes at his back, then turned to her father, her cheeks still warm. “Don’t mind him, Papa. It’s nothing. He’s just… he’s…”

“That didn’t look like nothing, daughter. It’s truly none of my business, but I can see you care for him.”

Her father had never tried to interfere with her romantic life. If she never chose a man at all and continued to only work on her toy-making, he wouldn’t have minded, and if she had, he would only wish for her to be happy and for him to treat her well.

“It started with an unusual circumstance, did it not? I don’t know what is to come next, though.” The words Morozko had spoken earlier didn’t mean he loved her. But that, that word, she now knew. That was the only word to express what she felt for him. Somehow along the way, through everything, through magic, through pleasure, she’d fallen in love with the demon king she’d once believed to be nothing but a prick. He could still be that, yet he was so much more.

“He’s a good king, even if I haven’t always agreed with his choices. But he saved you, and for that, I owe him my life,” her father said.

Eirah nodded, taking a deep breath. “I have something to tell you, Papa. You know how I have magic, that I’m a witch?”

He slowly nodded. “Go on.”

“I have the ability to grant immortality to humans. After what happened with the changelings, I believe it would be best to take it, to be protected in this cold world. But it’s not my choice to make for you or the others.”

Her father’s eyebrows lifted as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Immortality? I don’t know. Your mother…”

“You don’t have to choose immortality for me, Papa. I know you miss Mama and want to reunite with her one day.” Eirah’s fingers brushed her mother’s locket at her throat.