It didn't even take conscious thought. It was as if someone had just swept her into a current and now pulled her along.

The air turned cold and thin, the intense scent of blood, berries, and smoke singeing her nostrils. Gasping, she started, her fingers digging into the wooden floor.

Tiehro and Salanca loomed over her, staring, concern in their faces. Tiehro's shoulders slumped with relief. He covered his face, releasing a jagged sigh.

Salanca's face brightened. "You made it back, I knew you would!" she cried, dragging her up into a hug. "Tiehro, make the tea now. Rhea, deep breaths. Collect your thoughts. Then tell me everything. Don't try to talk just yet though. You probably won't be able to for a little while longer. Just a side effect. Nothing permanent."

Rhea blinked slowly, her mind still spinning. She'd made it back. Somehow.

Her hands hung heavy at her sides, her movements clumsy.

Tiehro shifted her up onto one of the cushions and gave her water to drink. Her chest ached as if hollow though. Chicory's face filled her mind. Poor Chicory. Sweet Chicory. Trapped in a cavern and battling the nagas. The thoughts tumbled and tangled in her mind, but one thing that remained clear was how much he needed her and how much she needed to get back to him.

* * *