He scowled once more, then shook his head. “No. Even if this is only a dream, some things are too dangerous. There is power in names, and I cannot guarantee we would not be overheard.”

She sat at the other end of the bed. “All right then. But we’ll still need something to call one another. What should I call you?”

He scoffed again, a slightly more mirthful tone in his voice. "I don't even know. Bitter. Or Sour perhaps."

"What about Chicory?"

He laughed. "Why that?"

Because his eyes were the color of jade chicory. She shrugged, then realized he might not be able to see the movement. "Because chicory can be bitter, but it is still important."

The left side of his mouth tweaked up. "Well…I suppose that is not so bad. Other than your name, which you should not tell me in a place like this, what should I call you? Sweet, perhaps?"

She wrinkled her nose. "No. I'm not really that Sweet. And not Sugar either. Or Honey." The only reason she tolerated Bunny from her family was because they had called her that when they were children. Or they were Killoth who just managed to make it seem charming rather than insulting.

"That's all right. I prefer salty to sweet anyway. Or salty sweet."

"Then Salt works." It really didn't fit. But the fact that he liked it suddenly made it more palatable. “Or Salt-Sweet.” Heat warmed her cheeks. Were they flirting? She really shouldn’t be flirting.

No. Wait.

This wasn’t flirting. She was gaining information. Yes. That's what it was. She straightened her shoulders.

"Well, Salt-Sweet. I should warn you that I don't know how long I can make this haven last. I don't know how safe it is for you here. I don't even know that I'll remember this conversation when I wake."

"You're dreaming now?" It did feel rather like a dream.

"I don’t really know. Perhaps? Most of me, anyway." His gaze drifted to the door as he tapped the back of his knuckle to his cheek. "Part of me is out there…fighting."

"Fighting what?" Her throat tightened as her fingers bunched into fists. "Is it the nagas?"

“Everything,” he sighed. His eyelids slid shut. He rubbed his palm over his eye. “Everything all at once. It’s bad here. And getting worse by the day. The fighting never ends. Eventually we will lose. Unless we find answers.” His gaze grew distant as if he struggled to speak. "I don't—I don't think there are any real answers left."

She edged closer. “Where is here? Can you at least tell me that?”

“Beneath...” He drew his hand over his brow and then tilted his head. “Wait. You said that your friends—they aren’t here with me. With my people. They’re in other worlds? This has reached other worlds too? This cursed plague?”

“Yes. And eventually they're trapped in comas. Once they're in the coma, they don't wake up. Some of them are dying. Can you help us?”

“I did not know. This—this wasn’t—” He stared off at the wall. “You should be careful, Salt-Sweet. This isn't—I don't even understand all that is happening here. I am so sorry that it has spilled into the other worlds. My people—we've done all we can to prevent that. But it is getting out of hand. I have to protect them. If that means I must sacrifice myself, then…"

"Sacrifice yourself?" She moved in front of him. "Chicory, tell me how to help you. I can take whatever message you want taken to anyone who will listen. I will find a way to speak to the Paras if you want."

"The Paras?" He blinked, his brow furrowing more as he avoided looking directly at her.

"Do you not know what they are? They're the leaders who oversee all use of the Tue-Rah and the worlds but not the leaders of individual nations. They are trying to find a solution to this problem with world and national leaders. If you can give me something to tell them, I’ll take the message to them right away—"

He grimaced, doubling forward. "You need to go. Please. Go. I don't want you to see this, Salt-Sweet. No one—no one should see this." Heavy thuds sounded outside. As if a great force lashed at the door with heavy blows.

“Wait. See what?” She moved in front of him. Energy shimmered around him, blurring her vision. “Chicory, what’s wrong? Please. Tell me! I’m going to get help, but you have to tell me what’s going on here.”

Something cracked. A loud crackling series of pops followed as if glass were exploding. Something wet struck her face.

She pulled back, holding up her hands to shield her face.

The world tumbled, spun, and burned. She struck something flat and hard, and the wind was driven from her lungs.

“Rhea?” Tiehro’s voice sounded far away and muffled, but it grew steadily closer. The spinning sensation continued as strong hands seized her at the shoulders. "Rhea, follow my voice back."