Eirah was breathless and smiling with triumph. “That was…incredible.” She leaned forward into his space, eyes brimming with excitement.

Morozko wished she would retreat, but she didn’t, and his heart thudded wildly. He hated himself for it. For wanting what he shouldn’t when Eirah was possibly the only way the changelings could be undone. By death or magic. Perhaps both, and he wished he knew which one it was.

“Let me try again.” Eirah knelt before him, still too close for him to think clearly, but she offered him her hands.

His tongue grazed the tip of a sharp canine. This time, he didn’t speak. He only took her hands, lifted them to his mouth, and brushed kisses along her digits.

I shouldn’t want to kiss him as badly as I do now.

It took him a moment to realize Eirah’s thought was blaring in his mind—he’d been thinking the same thing.

“Oh, little bird,” he whispered, reaching out to nudge her chin with his finger. “But you do.” Morozko nearly groaned the words as he closed the space between them. He allowed enough time for her to pull away, but when she didn’t, his lips collided with hers.

At once, heat flared in his chest, igniting every nerve in his body. He tugged her onto his lap, and she nestled against him, as if she’d been crafted for him alone. His tongue dove into her mouth, drinking in the taste of her.

Eirah moaned, hardening his cock at once, and she shifted against him, winding her fingers into his hair. When her digits brushed his skin, the intoxicating feeling returned.

He withdrew his lips from hers, curious howhismagic bumping against hers would feel. Morozko pinched his bottom lip with his canine and dragged his finger along Eirah’s collarbone. Soft wisps of chilled air formed around them. “What do you feel?”

Eirah’s breath hitched as she cupped his face. “You.” She tipped her head back, and he snaked his finger down to the valley between her breasts.

Morozko leaned forward, pressing his lips against her throat, and he moaned as she rolled her hips into his. “Little bird,” he said, voice strained, “If you mean to stop, do so now because you’re making itveryhard for me.” Oh, he wanted her, and he didn’t bother to shield his thoughts. Let her hear how he wanted to taste every inch of her and trace every dip, every line of her body, until she quivered in ecstasy.



Eirah was making it hard for Morozko? No, he was making it hard forher. The way he held her as if she was the only woman he would ever want. Had all the other maidens felt this way? Yet she didn’t want to stop, even though she knew she should, even though she knew she could still one day die by his blade. And that was precisely why she shouldn’t stop, because she didn’t know how much time she had left in this cold, beautiful, vengeful world.

As she rolled her hips again, feeling Morozko harden even more, Eirah wondered what would happen if she didn’t have to die… What would happen between her and Morozko? Would he toss her back to the village with meaningless gifts? When he slid his hot tongue up her throat, she decided she didn’t care—she desperately wanted him to teach her everything she’d ever read about in the romance tales she loved so much.

“Believe me,” he purred in her ear as his hands cupped her buttocks. “I can show you many, many things. Things you’ve never once read about, little bird.”

“Do you have to hear my thoughts at the most inopportune times?” Yet her words didn’t come out as haughty as she would’ve liked, and instead, it sounded more breathy,needy.

“Oh, but I rather enjoy these hidden thoughts of yours. How about we remove some of these thick layers between us now, shall we?”

“Your Majesty,” a voice boomed from behind them.

Eirah startled, shoving herself off Morozko as if Andras might believe she’d never been there at all. Heat spread into her cheeks, and she looked away from the crimson-haired guard.

“Andras, what do you need?” Morozko narrowed his eyes, seeming to await an answer that had better be worth his while.

“I have an important matter to discuss with you.” His gaze shifted to Eirah as if he didn’t fully trust her.

“I’m going to check on my father and Saren,” Eirah said to Morozko, not waiting for his response. “I’ll come back soon.” Even though she was curious to see what Andras had to say, she needed fresh air and to be away from Morozko, away from what almost happened between them. Something she wanted more of…

“What in the world did I just do?” Eirah scolded herself as she padded away from the ice house. “Was this a thank you for repairing my father’s glasses?” But oh, did the king know how to touch and kiss. She wondered what else his deft fingers could do if they’d been without clothing.

At least a dozen ice homes spread across the small stretch of unwooded land, each housing several families. Her father and Saren were sharing one at the edge of the temporary village, close to Morozko’s. He’d chosen a house close enough to keep an eye on the mortals while she and the king figured out whether the changelings had indeed taken over any of the children.

As Eirah trudged through the snow beneath the starry night, white wings caught her attention from above. A tug of magic pulled inside her as Adair swooped down, drifting nearer to her. He landed on her shoulder, surprising her. He’d done nothing of this nature before, and his talons pressed into her, but not painfully. As his bright orange eyes studied her, her cheeks grew hot again when she knew what he was thinking.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she whisper-shouted. “I wasn’t doing anything but minding my business with the king.” The owl slowly blinked as though he didn’t believe her. “Oh, fine, I was about to let him ravish me in all the ways he wished. Not that you care to hear about any of this, but I seem to be no different from any of the other maidens.” She would’ve confided in Saren, but her friend was grieving.

Adair cocked his head, his orange eyes glowing.

“Yes, there’s something wrong with that! Most of the maidens wanted Morozko because he’s the king, or to receive his gifts, become queen, get him to fall in love. I just want him because I’m possibly starting to care about him.” Eirah covered her mouth to stop the stream of words lest she embarrass herself further. She narrowed her eyes, studying him as he watched her. “You see something good in him, don’t you? Otherwise, you would warn me away, wouldn’t you?”