Morozko motioned for him to leave. “Let me think on it and see if I can figure something out. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Xezu nodded and shut the door behind him.

“Looks like tonight you will be sleeping in my bed after all,” he teased, but this time it didn’t meet his eyes.

I will do no such thing.

Morozko cocked his head. “Shall I bring you a cage to set at my bedside, then? I’m certain I can find one in the cellar.”

Her blood boiled.Stop being a prick.I’ll stay in bed for now.

He folded a fur blanket and set it in front of one of the silk pillows, then placed her on top of it. “Try shifting. Focus on what you want to become and let your body do the work.”

Eirah shut her eyes, her body trembling as she concentrated, begging for it to respond. When she opened her lids, she remained in the same position, covered in feathers.

“You’re tryingtoohard, little bird.” He slipped in beside her and trailed a hand over her head, cupping her face. “Go to sleep for now. You’ve had a long day. Get your strength up and we’ll work together tomorrow to correct this.”

Eirah wouldn’t deny the exhaustion flowing through her, and as his thumb stroked her face, her eyes fell shut. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to lie in his bed while in human form. Then she shoved away the horrid thought, knowing she would only ever be another maiden he would toss away… or sacrifice.

* * *

Somethingsoft stroked Eirah’s face, and she peeled open her eyes, gazing into bright blue irises. But she wasn’t afraid or ill at ease until she went to lift her arm… Not an arm but awing.

“You’re still an owl.” Morozko pursed his lips.

Panic sewed its way through her, harping on her that she may remain a bird.Will you try your magic again?

He closed his eyes and the pale blue light seeped out of him, penetrating beneath her flesh, caressing her blood.Somethingpulsed in tune with it.

Morozko furrowed his brow. “Try shifting with me.”

Her body tightened as she focused on getting out of this blasted form.

“You’re not trying,” he cooed.

I am, you fool!

“You’re not.” He ran his index finger across his lower lip. “I feel something inside you. It’s as though magic has touched you. There is a fine line between forcing and willing your form to change.”

Magic? She couldn’t have magic tainting her unless it belonged to him from his blood. Yet she closed her eyes, reaching for a power she couldn’t touch.

When nothing happened, Morozko sighed. “Let me take you outside. I have an idea.” Before she could speak, he placed her on his shoulder, and she dug her talons into his flesh. But he didn’t wince, only sauntered as though he was the most relaxed he’d ever been.


“I heard that,” he purred.

Eirah clenched her beak and narrowed her eyes as he strode them outside. A heavy breeze tore through the air, but she couldn’t feel much of the cold.

What are we doing out here? she asked as he took her toward a wooded area, the thin trees spread far apart.

“You should try to fly.”

I’m not doing that! Do you want me to break my neck?

As she cursed him, he took her from his shoulder and tossed her into the air. On instinct, she flapped her wings, going up, up. But then she fell down, down, into the soft snow.

You bastard! she shouted, shaking, her skin tingling as the feathers disappeared back into her skin. Her body stretched without pain, the robe she’d worn previously still cloaking her human form.