Her chest tightened as it dawned on her where he was going with this.
Vince got up and started pacing. Then he leaned against the wall, hands in his pocket, scrutinizing her, as if he was afraid of her reaction.
“I’ve never seen a man duck behind a tombstone so fast,” Sy continued. “Vince here managed to take two of them out, while being shot. He bled all over the place but refused to go down.” He looked at her. “Back then, I figured he was a badass motherfucker who deserved my respect for sticking it to Morelli’s men. I had no idea he was fighting to get back to you.”
Neither had she. He’d let her hate him for so many years. Her mind swam in a vortex of guilt, shame, and pain, and a heady cocktail of other emotions she couldn’t even begin to describe.
In the end, all she wanted to know was, “Why?”
Vince uttered a long, low sigh. “What was the point? It wouldn’t change anything. Besides, when I woke up in the hospital a few days later, it was too late. I thought about asking Gio to get you out of Franco’s clutches, but I didn’t. I figured he’d get himself, and you, killed.”
That still didn’t explain everything. “I understand why you didn’t tell me back then, but what about now? All those things I said to you, the accusations…”
His eyes bore into hers. “Isn’t it obvious? I want you to be with me because youwantto, not because you feel guilty for hating me.”
Part of her wanted to rail into him. Tell him exactly how he made her feel, but that would only start the same pattern again. The past was gone and buried deep. All she had was the present and, hopefully, a future.
She kissed Sy, silently thanking him. He winked and gave her his tongue. Only when she started moaning did he let her go.
Up next, she went to Vince, who was still keeping himself apart from them, as if awaiting her judgment. Right now, with his hands in the pockets of his slacks, he resembled the teenager she’d fallen in love with so much.
She kissed him and put every ounce of love she felt for him in that kiss. No words were needed. Both of them gave her so much strength. It was time she gave them something in return—her trust.
“I need your help,” she confessed.
“About time you asked,” Vince said.
She told them about her encounter with Marni earlier that night and that Jazzy was working to get a hit on her with her facial recognition software. Vince got up and pulled out his phone.
“Get some sleep. We’ll talk further in the morning.”
He kissed her forehead, then left the room, no doubt to make some calls. She dropped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.
This must be what a balloon feels like after losing its air.
But that was okay. She was where she belonged; with the men she loved. Knowing that everything was gonna work out, a peace settled over her, lulling her into a sound sleep.
Carmen’s morning got off to a promising start. She woke up rested and feeling as light as a feather. Angels sitting on a cloud would have felt jealous about her Zen mode. That feeling lasted for about thirty minutes—the time it took for her to take a shower and discover Sy had left. Even after everything they had shared last night, he left her. Had left them.
Breakfast had been a quiet affair and less opulent than she was used to making them. Vince hadn’t said much, but him being there was all she needed. Now, if only, she could make Sy see he belonged with them as well.
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why he pulled away from her. Not only had they gotten too close for his comfort, but he probably feared to repeat what had happened after his nightmare. It didn’t matter though. He was hers, just as Vince was. And today, she was going to reclaim him, whether he wanted to or not. But first things first.
Today, she decided to go back to her old mansion and get the last of her stuff. Then she was going to shut the place down and put it on the market. After all, how could she ask Sy to let go of his past, if she hadn’t done so herself? She was done with the past, and looking forward to the future.
Vince had one of his guys drive her over. She’d asked him to stay in the car, however. This was something she needed to do alone. When she packed the last of her bags, she turned around and took one last look in the kitchen—the place that held one of her most awful memories. At the same time, it had also been a haven in this house. The place she could lose herself, baking, pretending her life was normal. Deciding she was going to focus on the good instead of the bad, she rolled her suitcase to the door and opened it.
She stopped mid-stride and her mouth fell open. On her doorstep stood a ghost from her past.
The young woman she had seen at the wrestling game was standing right before her. Again, she was dressed in black leather pants and a red top, which must be her signature look.