“She just turned fifteen. Do you have any children?”
“No.” Her eyes started to burn and, to her shame, tears formed in the corner of her eyes.
A painful look of recognition passed between them.
“I’m so sorry,” the woman said softly.
A vice gripped her throat, preventing her from talking. When her head started pounding, she turned the faucet back on and splashed water on her face.
A knock sounded on the door. “Mrs. Morelli?”
Carmen froze, then turned off the water.
Out of all the bathroom of all the cities in the world, she had to walk into mine.
It must be her—Elena Morelli. The gold digger who had sold her soul to Morelli. Whatever truth there was in that story, Carmen knew one thing. Elena didn’t look like a woman who was happy with her life. She recognized the look in those eyes; a woman resigned to her fate.
“I’m almost finished,” Elena called to the door.
The door burst open, startling both of them. A big, bald guy in a black suit stormed inside.
“Toni, what are you—”
“No time,” the man clipped. “We need to get you out of…”
A ricochet of guns being fired filled the air. Then the screaming started.
Carmen ran for the open door. She didn’t know what was happening out there, but she couldn’t just stay here. Before she could reach it, Toni grabbed her by the wrist.
“You’re theirs,” he growled.
She had a feeling she knew exactly who he meant.
“Toni!” Elena sounded affronted. “Let her go right now.”
His meaty paw hurt her arm. That was going to leave a mark tomorrow. Carmen stamped her pointed heel on his foot. He growled and smacked her right against the wall.
Feeling dazed, she fell onto the floor.
A kind hand, that of Elena’s, started to pull her up.
“We’re gonna need her as a shield,” Toni said, stepping closer. He winced when something banged against the wall close to them. “Fuck. That Viking is going full-on berserker.”
Carmen couldn’t help but notice Elena turn pale.
“I told the boss this was a fucking mistake,” Toni muttered. Then his menacing scowl turned toward her. “Get up.”
What she wouldn’t give to have her whip with her right now. Maybe next time, she should use it as a belt.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” She eyed the open door behind him. Screams and shots were coming from behind it. For a split-second, she saw someone running past it.
Toni pulled a gun on her. “Not asking again, Caruso bitch. Get over here.”
Before Carmen could come up with a way to prevent her from becoming a human shield, Elena took control of the situation.
In a surprise move, Elena put her body before Carmen’s, clasping her arms around her from the sides.