Page 12 of Striker

They both nod, satisfied.

"Fine. Then let's get you a tux," Maddy says, leading the way with Nat right behind her.

I follow.

But deep inside, I wonder: am I satisfied with my answer?

Or do I want something more, despite the costs?

Chapter Five


"Keep your eyes open. If you see anything that looks like a weak point in their security, tell me."

I roll my eyes at Owen and focus on driving. "Sure, Rambo."

He bristles. "Rambo wasn't a Marine. He was Army. There's a big difference."

I roll my eyes again, harder. "Sure. Whatever you say."

Watching security is not my priority. It's not even on the list.

Though as we pull up to the gates at this, what can only be described as a compound, on the coast about twenty miles outside of Costa Oscura, I can feel security is definitely watching me. Two men at the metal gates, both wearing black shirts, black pants, with black sunglasses and black hats, carry big rifles and hold up their hands for me to stop.

As if the sight of two men armed to the teeth isn't enough to make me want to stop, then put my car in reverse, then execute a tire-burning turnaround and speed right back to Costa Oscura and sanity.

I love Morgan; I love Riley; I'm here for them and there's no real chance I'm turning around, but the sight of these two guards is a little shocking.

Suddenly, I feel Owen's hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. I'm here. You got this."

When I first agreed to take him as my date-slash-bodyguard, I knew it was a mistake, and I still think it is. But right now, it doesn't feel so wrong. He's a complication, a distraction, a diversion, but he gives me confidence, too. And I can't forget the way he made me feel when he interrupted my open house, dressed in a uniform so pressed it could've probably stood up on its own, carrying a garden's worth of roses, and shouting my praises to high heaven: appreciated, respected, noticed.

He gave me what I wanted: he gave me respect, and, even better, he gave me a choice.

He put himself out there for me and let me choose.

So I chose him.

I might've regretted that choice the second I made it, and Morgan might've reminded me I should regret it when I called her later to give her the news, but I don't regret the confidence he gives me just by being here. Not much, at least.

"I know I’ve got this. It’s just a couple security guards, Owen." My voice shakes, though. And my eyes definitely feel wider than normal.

"You've seen guns like those all the time. Remember when Smokey and I would clean our weapons on the coffee table at your house when we were back after boot camp? Remember how your mom would yell at us to put those damn things away?"

"Yeah, I do," I say. I like his voice. I like his hand on me. I like the unwavering support I hear in the baritone coming from his kissable, smiling mouth.

"Those rifles we cleaned were more dangerous than the ones those guys have. Those things are pea shooters. Nothing to even a bat an eye at. Hell, I doubt they'd even make a raccoon blink. So just take a deep breath, Dani, and drive on up to them. Let those losers — who are nothing more than mall security guards with little toys — do their thing and feel important for a second, and then we'll drive through those gates, park, and go find out where we're spending the weekend, okay?"

It isn't just Owen's words that soak in and give me strength. I think of why I'm here: my friends, Riley and Morgan; I have to do this for them. So much depends on this.

"Okay, I got this."

With a reinforcing sigh, I drive forward toward my fear.

Then I stop.

And wait.