Page 18 of Ghoul as a Cucumber

“Edward, please…” I’m not even ashamed of the need in my voice. “I love kissing you. You feel amazing. I don’t care about the memories…”

He shakes his head. “Brianna, do you trust me?”

“Always.” The word falls unbidden from my lips.

Edward seems startled by my answer.

“Very well. Then you have nothing to be sad about. We will still have our revels. I am nothing if not the Prince of Debauchery. Come with me.” His fingers slip through mine as he leads me to the chaise lounge beneath the large bay windows in my bedroom. “First, put down the moldavite stones. We will require them nearby.”

I place the handful of stones down on the sofa.

“Now place your feet here, facing the arm.”

I do as he instructs. I’m facing the opposite wall of the room. Edward and Pax are behind me, so I can’t see them. Ambrose stands near the other end of the chaise. He shrugs off his black frock coat and undoes the tie that pulls his dark hair off his face. It spills free, and my fingers dig into the arm of the sofa as I think about running my hands through it. It doesn’t quite feel like real hair, but it’s something. Pax has his cut for battle and doesn’t have much hair to speak of.

Ambrose tosses his frock coat on the bed. “What next, Edward?” He has a rapt expression on his face, like a schoolboy the first time he sees a pair of breasts.

Warm, ghostly fingers trail down my back, drawing patterns along my spine.Edward.I let out my breath slowly, my body poised with anticipation at what’s next.

The fingers splay out across my back.

“Bend over,” Edward says in that commanding drawl of his.

I bend, draping my arms over the end of the chair. My ass is high in the air, and a wet ache pools between my legs. A thrill runs through my veins at the thought of the intimate view I’m giving Pax and Edward.

Edward’s fingers stroke down my legs, first one, then the other, leaving trails of fire across my skin. He pushes on my ankles. “Wider. The Roman needs room for his enormous hips.”

Obediently, I shift my hips wider, aware of the cool air in the room kissing my clit and how desperately that bundle of nerves wants to be touched.

“Good. I like it when you obey me so readily.” Edward sounds satisfied. His voice is steady, authoritative. I can’t see his face, but I sense that this is where he is comfortable. When he kisses me, he gives me his memories, and that’s too vulnerable for him right now, especially when he’s already been flayed raw by what’s happened tonight. But being the puppet master of our tryst is a role he’s confident to play.

“Roman, take that tie from around the curtain and bind her hands. Bind them tightly to the other end of the chaise.”

Pax, who is well used to taking commands, leaps into action. He comes around the side of the chaise, where I can see him, and unwinds the curtain tie. It’s a thick, golden rope with a decorative tassel on each end, and I swallow down my apprehension as he approaches me with it between his huge hands.

I’ve never been tied up before. It’s not something I’m interested in. I think that I’m so used to running away my whole life that the idea of being incapacitated in any way makes me freak out. I prefer to have one foot out the door, ready to bolt.

But I trust Edward. So we’re doing this.

I hiss out a breath and try not to flinch as Pax wraps the curtain tie around my wrists, tying some complicated Roman knot I could never escape even if I wanted to. He wraps the other end around the curved arm of the chaise, pulling me forward so that my arms rest on the cushions, but I’m stretched out across the chaise with my ass high. I have to stand on my tiptoes to hold the position.

It’s a stretch, but it feels so good.

Do I like this?

I think I like this.

What feels amazing are their eyes on me. Pax steps back, his icy eyes wide with awe. I can’t see Edward, but my skin burns from his gaze, and I want nothing more than his hands or lips on meright the fuck now. I try to move toward him, but then the cord bites and I remember I’m tied up.

I can’t move.

Why do I like this?

Why is my pussy throbbing with need?

This is sodeliciouslycruel.

I feel something land on my back. The moldavite stones. Edward instructs Pax to line them up along my spine. They feel strange, a little heavy, but at least with them close, the ghosts can touch me and I can touch them.