Page 111 of Ghoul as a Cucumber

I take the proffered bottle and sniff. It doesn’t smell poisonous. It smells…like wine. Kind of sweet, expensive wine. Almost more like plum or…yes,pears.Do I really smell like this?

I take a tentative sip.




“I could get used to this.” I hand him back the bottle. “You’re going to ruin me for eight quid plonk.”

“Bah, it should be illegal for that donkey piss you and Dani used to drink in the cemetery to be called wine. Why, I imagine even Roman wines have something more to offer.” Edward sighs with happiness as he takes a swig. “This is the dream. I am alive, and I have expensive wine and a beautiful woman.”

“Should we be necking it from the bottle like this?” I ask, still nervous about consuming something so old and expensive. “Doesn’t that ruin the flavour? Isn’t it supposed to breathe in the glass or something?”

“Now that you mention it,” Edward’s eyes glitter. “I do believe there is a better way to taste this vintage.”

He tosses his head back and takes a swig. Before I know what’s happened, he grabs me, yanking me against his body with one solid, protective arm. His other hand grips behind my neck, tilting my head back.

As he kisses me, he passes the wine between, the liquid cooling my tongue. It tastes like nothing else I’ve ever tasted before. Like summer and pears, with this sweet, nutty nose. It’s astounding, but not as astounding as Edward’s kisses, or the way he feels now that he is a living, breathingman.

My hands roam over his body, taking in the hard planes of his chest, the narrowness of his waist, and the curve of…

“Ow,” Edward winces.

…the glass shard sticking out of his ass.

Edward leans around and pulls it free. His face collapses with relief. “To think that’s the last time I’ll ever have to pull it out. Now, come here.”

“You’re bleeding. Doesn’t that hurt?”

“With a beautiful woman in my arms?” Edward sweeps me into his arms. “No, I barely feel it at all.”

Edward’s fingers tug at the fabric of my t-shirt. I shrug out of it, moaning with pleasure as he lays kisses over my collarbone, as his hands greedily palm my breasts. His eyes darken as he returns to plunge his tongue between my lips. “I have dreamed of this day for far too long. When I touched you, I saw all kinds of things. Your memories. Your dreams. I saw the things you longed for me to do to you. And now I can enjoy you, and I fully intend to do just that.”

He backs me up until my feet hit the edge of a narrow stone bench. Edward’s eyes darken even more, becoming as black as the starless sky above the graveyard. His hands press on my shoulders, forcing me down onto the bench, laying me before him. He gazes down at me as if I am a painting at the Royal Gallery that he is studying, as if I am something somehow remote, somehow far from him.

“I’m here,” I say, to bring him back to me. “I’m yours.”

His lips curl into that heart-melting smile. “I know. And finally, I get to taste you.”

In one swift motion, he is rid of my jeans and panties. His hands push my legs wide and he buries his face between my legs.

My back arches and my fingers curl as Edward tastes me like he is sampling some fine wine. How is he doing that with his tongue? I mean, this is some lost knowledge, right here. Indiana Jones should be hunting this shit out because modern men can’t lick pussy like this and omggggg…

The orgasm slams into me, hard and fast and unexpected, leaving me a quivering mess. While I’m still a bundle of jelly, Edward yanks my legs closer, unbuttons his pantaloons, and positions himself between my legs.

He sheaths himself inside me in one stroke.

I gasp, gripping the edge of the bench as I take him, all of him. And there is alotof him to take. Edward’s not quite as big as Pax, but he didn’t have a reputation written about in the history books for nothing.

And the way he looks down at me now, his sharp, too-pretty cheekbones illuminated by the faint beam of my discarded mobile, he is every bit the wicked prince.

I’m so wet that despite his size, he slides in easily. And damn, does it feel good. He hits every spot, every part of me that’s been calling to him across the Veil.

My heart stutters. He’s here, inside me.Finally.

Our bodies move together as if we were made for this moment. He leans over me, bracing himself against the bench as he bends to kiss me, consuming my thoughts with that wicked tongue of his until all that exists is him, only him.