Page 13 of Ghoul as a Cucumber

Pax covers his ears. “Make it stop.”

Edward drops to one knee, one hand outstretched toward Pax, the other held over his heart.

“If fate permits, thy clemency bestow,

And heal the heart that throbs with guilt and woe—”

I collapse into giggles even as tears stream down my cheeks. I laugh so hard that I can’t breathe. My stomach burns and I have to gasp for air. Edward looks affronted, and his haughty expression only makes me laugh more.

Pax rushes over and picks me up off the floor. “You are forgiven,” he tells Edward, “provided you never again speak such a ridiculous poem. You have broken Bree.”

“I’m okay.” I rest my head against Pax’s chest, right above where the Ripper’s blade pierced his flesh. His heart thuds in my ear, strong and regular and blissfully alive. I reach up and stroke his cheek, relishing the warmth of his flesh and the rough stubble on his jaw. “I just realized how much I…I need the three of you. And that I don’t want to be alone right now.”

“I will take up my post once more.” Pax starts to set me down. “I will make certain that no man or beast enters your room—”

“Come to bed with me,” I whisper as I cling to him. “I need to feel you inside me. I need to know that you are truly alive.”

Pax’s face collapses in confusion. “I am not good for you. I am the one who messes up your life.”

“That’s not true. I mean, yes, it is true. All three of you are a complication I didn’t ask for and sometimes, like at the party, it gets to be too much.” I swallow. “But when I almost lost you tonight, I realized that you’re a complication I don’t want to live without. Ever. I can’t imagine the world without you in it.Allof you.”

I beckon Edward and Ambrose over. Edward looks unsure, but he touches Ambrose’s arm and guides him closer, until the three of them surround me. I touch Ambrose’s smooth cheek, wishing more than anything that he could feel as warm and solid as Pax. “That’s why I’ve been so hesitant about figuring out your unfinished business. I am terrified that I’ll do something wrong and lose you forever. But I have a name for what I am now. I’m ready to try. I’m ready to stop running from my fear.”

“That’s wonderful, but I don’t believe we will ever figure out my unfinished business,” Ambrose says brightly. “I am content to simply be your ghost, if you’ll have me.”

Edward shifts. “Brianna, I must—”

I shake my head at him. I’ve already spoken to him about his own unfinished business. “I have some ideas about yours, Ambrose. I don’t think things are quite as hopeless as you believe, but it can wait until tomorrow. For now…”

“Bubble bath.” Pax scoops me up again and lurches toward my room. I wrap my arms around his neck and cling to him as he carries me into the bathroom. I press my ear against his chest, listening to his heart beating through his torn leather armour. I’ll never get sick of feeling the reassuringthud-thud-thudof the organ pushing blood through his body.

He’s alive. Because of me.

Because I’m a Lazarus.

Whatever that is.

But there’s time enough to figure that out. When I’m not so tired. When I’m not being held by a miraculous Roman warrior while he prepares to run me a bubble bath.

Pax shifts me to one hand while he leans over and turns on the taps. He manages to pop the lid on my favourite raspberry bubble bath one-handed and pours far too much in, then tests the water to make sure it’s piping hot, just the way I like it. I call out to Ambrose and Edward to join us.

“The Victorian and I have something to discuss,” Edward calls back. “We will await your pleasure when you finish your bath.”

Weird, but okay.“You promise?”

“I promise, Brianna.”

“Okay, because I—hey!”

Pax drops me into the tub, clothes and all. I gasp as I sink into the hot water and the growing piles of pink bubbles rise up to swallow me. I gulp in a mouthful of water before I manage to scramble above the surface.

“Pax, part of the joy of having a bubble bath is being able to climb in oneself, slowly.” I swipe my matted hair from my eyes.

Pax lowers his eyes. “I am sorry. At the bathhouse, we would run from the changing rooms and dive right in. Because the walk from the changing rooms without a tunic is so cold, it makes your verpa shrivel. Better to get in the hot water quickly before the ladies think you have no verpa at all.”

“The Roman version of ripping off the Band-Aid, I got you. But for future reference, I can get into my own bubble bath.” I try to tug my top off, but the workout fabric clings to my wet skin. “I could use a little help with this, though.”

I raise my hands over my head. Pax obliges me, his huge hands sliding around my middle as he tugs off the top and tosses it aside. He helps me roll the leggings and my underwear over my hips. Father Bryne’s and Pax’s blood darkens the pink water.