Page 26 of Infiltration

The Dramok pressed a kiss to her forehead and smiled at Ulof. “I think we can continue to try for our child. We’re only in this because we found the missing spyship’s shuttle and recovered its crewman. No other spyships are in the vicinity, but the fleet will be sending one or two soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re on our way again in less than two weeks. Three at the most.”

Ulof liked the sound of that. In three weeks, the initial phases of the terraforming, the tasks of which he was worse than useless at performing, would be well under way. He’d have little pressure except to attend meetings where he’d keep his mouth shut. Afterward would come designing the moon’s new landscape, the part he enjoyed the most and was actually good at.

He’d have three weeks with no other demand than making a baby. He looked over Piper’s slight but deliciously curved figure. “I suppose Nako and Terig have work to do, thanks to this whole spy nonsense. Meanwhile, I’m ready to do my duty where my Matara’s concerned.” He gestured to the large lounger, which dominated the sitting room’s space. “Shall I report for the task here or in the sleeping room? Your choice, my love.”

“Hey, barring an emergency, we’re off duty for a few hours. Don’t think you’re getting her to yourself tonight.” Nako pulled Piper out of Ulof’s easy reach. “No wonder you’re agreeable to delay our arrival at your post. You’re hoping to keep her in bed the whole damned time.”

“As if you’d do any different in my place.” Ulof made a grab for their giggling Matara.

Nako retreated, taking Piper along and grabbing her breast with a proprietary air. “I wouldn’t.” Grinning, he nuzzled her ear. “What do you think about being kept in bed day and night, fucked for hours on end?”

“Exactly my plan.” Ulof gave chase, and Nako picked up the laughing Piper and tried to head for their sleeping room.

“Um, there’s another man who needs his share of sweetness.” Terig pursued the rest.

Piper’s heart was full as Nako bore her to the sleeping mat, Ulof and Terig following close behind.

It was seldom her men behaved in such a silly manner. As half-Nobeks, Nako and Ulof had a generous helping of ferocity. Terig, fully Nobek, rarely let himself be seen as anything but serious. For them to grapple in pretended battle, laughing and jostling as they pulled each other away from her, was a sight worthy of delight.

She cast aside her brief lapse into anger, which had occurred when Nako and Terig had behaved as if they had to protect her from Ulof. Why couldn’t they see how he’d changed? Even at his worse, he wouldn’t have harmed a hair on her head.

There was damned little Piper was certain of in the crazy universe, but she knew beyond a doubt Ulof harming her in a fit of temper was the greatest of impossibilities.

She had to admit the ease of his agreeing to the postponement was a surprise, but he’d have handled it well no matter the case. After learning Piper wanted to have a baby, he’d upped his anger management therapy from once a week to twice, despite him already coping outstandingly with his anxieties.

She’d talk later to Nako and Terig about their attitudes. Ulof deserved to be respected for the man he was now, not feared for the man he’d been years ago.

At the present, she could set aside the moment of their lack of acknowledgement for the strides he’d taken. Even when her clanmates were ridiculous, they were wonderful. She loved them with her entire heart and soul.

Besides, she was happy to make love, though as far as she knew, her cycle wasn’t at the right point for starting a pregnancy. Practice was fine. Lots of practice was even better.

As they continued to tussle…Ulof and Terig double-teaming Nako had shifted to Ulof and Nako trying to subdue their Nobek…Piper stripped off her loosely draping dress. She wore no underthings to fumble with. Her rough and ready clanmates had too much of a habit of tearing bras and panties for her to bother wearing them.

Laughter had turned to playful growls among the trio. Piper decided to call a halt before they could devolve into actual battle. Aroused Nobeks and half-Nobeks weren’t exactly the best at maintaining self-control.

“Nako first, if you can’t share,” she called. The clan leader had been the tensest of the group, and his stress needed to be released before he grew worse. “Cool it, boys. Your Matara has spoken.”

They separated to regard her, their gazes lighting to see her naked. “I can share,” Terig and Ulof chorused.

“Maybe I can’t,” Nako snarl-snickered.

“You will for me,” Piper encouraged. She stroked her breasts and already wet sex. “For my dream of starting our family. Won’t you, my Dramok?”

She could tease and wheedle them into almost anything, and she wasn’t above doing so. After all, the clan’s happiness was her priority, and Piper was certain she had her men’s contentment well in hand.

Nako knelt on the foot of the bed and held his arms to her. “For you and the children you wish for, everything.”

She crawled to him and entered his strong embrace. She was always aware of how his muscled arms could easily crush her slender frame, and a part of her thrilled at how dangerous he could be if he wished.

His kiss was powerful, also a reminder of how her ability to rule him was granted by his consent and love. She rewarded him by pouring her adoration into the embrace, by going soft and yielding as his tongue plundered her mouth.

She tugged at his uniform, faintly whimpering as she did so. Nako obliged by ridding himself of the black armored one-piece formsuit to the waist. She eagerly ran her hands on the sculpted planes of his torso. When he broke the kiss, she mouthed her way down, licking and tasting his well-known topography as if he were new to her.

She felt the bed shift beneath her as she worshipped her divine clan leader, telling her the others knelt close too. Calloused hands swept over her, brushing her blond hair aside to stroke the flesh of her shoulders, back, ass, thighs. Hot palms cupped her breasts, squeezing. Fingers traced the crack of her ass, teasing her rear entrance for a moment, then slid to find her slick and trembling pussy.

She drifted lower, her moans breaking the silence. Nako pulled the front seam of his uniform along the crotch when she reached his navel. The waft of sweet-spiciness signaling his arousal grew stronger, inundating her as his erect cocks sprang free.

Piper fell on them as if she’d been starved of a favorite treat for years. Her hands curled around the twin shafts and pumped as she hungrily mouthed one, then the other. She gloried in Nako’s cinnamon-like flavor, gulping his natural lubrication greedily. Hers wasn’t a clan that stood on any notion of self-possession when it came to erotic pleasures. They could be gentle if she wanted. Since she tended to enjoy rougher pleasures, they usually obeyed their animalistic tendencies, much to her gratification. She was eager to return the favor.