I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. “First, we will need to see the blueprints of the original building. From there, Samara will be able to give you a full layout to your specifications.”
That had Lynn’s full attention. “Samara will? But I came here for you.”
I shrugged. “I’m not available, which I told you last week when you called. Samara is taking point on all projects.”
She pouted out her bottom lip, annoying the hell out of me. “I thought you would make an exception since we’re friends.”
“I’m too busy. If you want Barker & Reid to handle this remodel, you’ll need to work with Samara.”
“She’s just an intern,” Lynn argued.
“I will be supervising, but only until she graduates. She has my full confidence.” I glanced over at Samara, but her gaze was on our hands. I gave her fingers a firm squeeze. “How open is your schedule, baby girl?”
Blinking a few times, she finally looked up at me. “I have a few projects I’m finishing up, but I can fit in Miss Berkeley since she’s such a good friend of yours. Once I have the original layout, I can get the model done within the next two weeks.”
Lynn grumbled something under her breath but gave me a tight smile. “I was looking forward to working with you, Elias. But if you have faith in Samara, and will be supervising, I guess I will have to make do.”
I pushed back my chair and stood. Lynn was slower to rise, while Samara didn’t move. Reaching across the table, I shook Lynn’s hand again. “Samara will be in touch as soon as she gets what she needs.”
“Of course. I’ll have my assistant email everything over this afternoon.” She glanced at Samara but quickly shifted her gaze back to me, her bottom lip puffing out yet again. “Hopefully we can catch up sometime soon.”
Samara jerked to her feet before I could tell the other woman that wasn’t going to happen. “If you will excuse me, I have a few calls to return.” Gathering her notepad and phone, she walked out of the room without glancing back.
“Well, this didn’t go quite as I anticipated,” Lynn laughed. “But at least I got to see you again. It feels like forever, Elias.”
I thrust my hands into my pockets, my gaze on the open door. After weeks of trying to prove to Samara she could trust me, I’d thought I was gaining ground. But obviously, I’d been wrong. That wasn’t going to stop me from continuing to try, though. I wouldn’t give up until I met the angel of death. Fuck, not even then.
First, I had to deal with the woman in front of me. “I’m not into the club scene anymore, Berkeley.”
“I didn’t even mention the club. I wanted to seeyou.” Hearing her take a step, I turned my head to find her leaning forward enough that her tits were about to spill out of her top. “I’ve missed you. Don’t you miss me, just a little?”
She didn’t know how to take a hint, so I gave it to her straight. “No. You don’t even cross my mind. Look, we hooked up once. You introduced me to the club, which was fun, but I’ve got something good going on. Don’t come in here trying to play games. You won’t like what happens if you fuck up my relationship with Samara.”
Her face scrunched up in displeasure. “You don’t do relationships.”
Lowering my head, I met her gaze full on. “I’m with Samara. She’s my present and my future. You want my company to work on your remodel, fine. But you try to pull any bullshit with my girl, and I will take a wrecking ball to the place.”
“Fine.” Her whine was like nails on a chalkboard. Picking up her purse, she stomped toward the exit. “I just wanted to see you. God. You’re such a killjoy.”
Following her out, I watched her go until I reached Samara’s office. Not bothering to knock, I walked in, prepared to duck in case she was throwing another tantrum.
Instead, I found her pacing in front of her desk with her phone to her ear. Her face had gone pale, and she was worrying her bottom lip between her teeth as she listened.
I closed the door behind me and waited. Seeing me, she rolled her eyes and turned to face the window.
“Why didn’t he leave a voice mail?” she demanded when whoever was on the other end stopped speaking. “I don’t want to argue with you about it, Nova. He should have left a fucking message the first time he called this morning!”
Hearing the way her voice shook with suppressed emotion, I crossed the room to her. With each step that took me closer, I felt her tension grow. Was it because of what Nova was saying or because she didn’t want me to touch her?
Wrapping my arms around her from behind caused her to stiffen, but at least she didn’t pull away. Closing my eyes in relief, I pressed a kiss to the back of her head.
“Is Papa okay?”
Even as close as I was, I could only hear random words of what Nova was saying. I was more focused on how Samara reacted to what her sister-in-law said. Her choppy breaths, the soft gulp, a barely there whine.
“…war…” Caught my attention, but there was no outward reaction that I could hear or feel from Samara, until Nova said, “You have to come home.”
Samara leaned her head back against me, one of her hands covering both of mine linked just below her navel. “What if I make it worse?”