As I left her in the conference room, I lifted my phone to my ear and walked into my office. Slamming the door did nothing to quiet the noise in my head.

“Hey, baby girl. I just made it back to town. Did you eat breakfast? I can stop at Aggie’s if you didn’t.”

Closing my eyes, I tried to focus on his voice instead of my need to play in Berkeley’s blood. But all that did was help me picture how pretty she would look bleeding out at my feet. “Did you schedule a meeting with Lynn Berkeley?”

His hesitation caused my throat to tighten. “I spoke to her last week about setting up a time to come in for a consultation, but I’m not sure when she’s on the books.”

“She’s here,” I informed him, staring blankly at the African violets that were on the opposite end of my desk from my lotus. My office was a jungle of beautiful flowers. Along with the orchid, lotus, and violets, I’d also acquired gardenias and red tulips. All of them left with notes from my stalker, calling me Baby V. “I put her in the conference room.”

“Okay. I should be there in five,” Elias responded with a heavy sigh. “Start without me.”

“Yeah, sure,” I muttered. Disconnecting before he could say anything else, I stood there for a long moment.

He knew she was coming for a consultation. Maybe not the specifics, but he’d still been aware of it happening soon. Apparently he had no qualms about doing business with his previous hookup. Who also still happened to be his kink buddy.

I had zero doubts he wouldn’t bring up the fact that he and Berkeley had history. He never even mentioned his kink to me, didn’t even explore it with me. I knew all about his voyeurism, but not once had he even hinted that he wanted to watch me do anything to myself. I’d even touched myself in front of him a few times to get a reaction, and all it had done was make him growl at me.

“This pussy is mine. Only I get to touch it,” he’d snarled against my wet folds before biting my clit. “Do you understand me, Samara? Say it, little girl. Tell me I’m the only one who gets to touch this pretty pussy.”

I’d been so turned on, I’d barely been able to whine, “Yes, Daddy. Only you,” before I was coming on his tongue. But later, as we were both struggling to catch our breath, I couldn’t help wondering why he didn’t want to enjoy his kink with me.

My phone went off, but I didn’t immediately look down at the screen. Instead, I focused on the new flowerpot sitting on the windowsill. Little kittens were painted on the glazed ceramic, and inside were white daisies. I’d noticed them when I’d first walked in, but it had barely registered as I’d spoken to Elias.

Walking over to them, I searched for the note. There was always a note, and this one was hidden beneath the adorable pot.

Now you can still have your Daisy with you in the office, Baby V.

My fingers clenched around the card when my phone rang for what felt like the hundredth time. Seeing it was my brother yet again, I muffled my frustrated scream behind clenched teeth.



After dealingwith one receptionist who did nothing but stare at Samara’s ass, followed by one who couldn’t schedule a meeting to save her life, I had started to wonder if maybe the one who was always late and only answered the phones when Mom yelled was the better option.

Mom was already bitching at the new girl when I walked in, but at least no one was screaming. Or crying. That was a plus.

Frustrated, I stormed past them toward the conference room. When Lynn had called me at work the week before, I’d figured she wouldn’t be able to get a new client consultation for months. I should have scheduled it myself, but I’d been distracted at the time and hadn’t thought much of passing her call back to the receptionist to handle it.

Entering the room, I found Lynn sitting on one side of the long table and Samara across from her. She had her legal pad out, ready to take notes, a professional smile on her face. But her blue gems were emotionless.


My baby girl had checked out. Which was probably for the best. Otherwise, I might have walked into a bloodbath. But I would have preferred that over her locking herself down on me.

Lynn stood as I walked forward, pulling my gaze from Samara. “Hey, stranger.”

I held out my hand. Irritation flickered across Lynn’s face, but she shook my hand. “Sorry I’m running behind. Our computer system is still glitching. Your appointment didn’t carry over to my agenda.”

“Your intern was telling me you had a few issues with it recently. If I’d known that, I would have texted you over the weekend to confirm.” She stepped closer, but I dropped her hand and motioned toward the table.

“You mentioned purchasing a new property and wanting to do a full remodel.” I waited for her to retake her seat before sliding into my usual spot beside Samara. Leaning back, I listened to Lynn explain her vision, while taking Sammy’s hand beneath the table.

She curled her fingers into a ball, shying away from my touch.

Fuck that shit.

Lifting her wrist, I placed her fist on the table and covered it with my hand. Lynn stopped talking, her gaze narrowed on our hands. Beside me, Samara remained silent and unmoving.