Maybe I should start doing squats.
Blond hair up in a tight ponytail, two different bags slung over her shoulder, keys in hand, she walked toward a Volkswagen Bug. It was cute. White with a sunflower decal on the trunk. Cheerful. Happy.
Had she giggled when Elias had shown up to fix whatever issue she’d had earlier in the week? Was she wearing those tight-ass scrubs? Or was she in pajamas?
I wondered how many people would miss her if she didn’t show up for work one day. How hard it would be to wipe away her existence.
Don’t do it. Hide your crazy, Sammy. Don’t do it.
Chance and I were only a few yards from the car, and she glanced our way when she neared. Her reaction to seeing Chance was unmistakable, but it only lasted a moment before her brown eyes snapped to me. A quick sweep from head to toe had her rolling her eyes.
Testing my theory, I stepped closer to Chance and smiled up at him. He blinked at me in surprise, his brows scrunching up again. Glancing back at Miss Perfect Ass in her tight green scrubs, I could practically feel the jealousy vibrating off her.
I turned, giving her my back, and looked up at Chance over my shoulder. “Hey, has my ass gotten bigger?”
His throat bobbed when his gaze dropped, but it was the feral-like growl that was quickly followed by a slamming door that had my pulse spiking.
“You trying to get me killed, Sammy?” Chance muttered, taking a huge step back from me as Elias charged down the stairs.
“Just testing a theory.”
Chance’s eyes narrowed on me. “Is that theory whether Elias knows how to clean up a crime scene? Because if you keep shaking that sweet ass in my direction, he’s going to murder me.”
Goose bumps lifted along my entire body. Would Elias kill for me?
I wanted the answer to be yes. So damn badly.
Hiding my crazy, I tipped my chin toward the white Bug that was being angrily reversed. “You have a fan.”
He didn’t even glance her way, not that I could blame him. I could hear the anger in every step Elias took, and I had to stop myself from pressing my thighs together as my body began to ache.
“She likes you,” I teased.
“Everyone likes me,” he shot back, eyes still locked on his cousin. Unease oozed off him, but it was kind of hot how he didn’t back down even though it was obvious he wanted to. “Until they talk to me.”
“That’s fair,” I said with a laugh, turning when I felt Elias behind me.
It was a wonder he didn’t leave tread on the asphalt from his shoes with how hard he stopped, his chest heaving, murder in his eyes.
He would definitely kill for me.
I nearly moaned at that realization.
“Daddy,” I breathed against his ear, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist, the pain in my right thigh no longer even a whisper of discomfort. He grabbed on to my ass, holding me against him, but I could still feel his rage bubbling. “I’m cold.”
“You fucking think?” he snarled, slapping a hand down on my ass. I nearly begged him for another. “You go running practically naked in these temperatures. Are you trying to catch pneumonia, little girl?”
I leaned back with a pout. “Are you mad at me for what I’m wearing?”
“Wear whatever the fuck you want. I have a gun, and I know how to use it. But it’s still technically winter, Samara.” His big hand caressed the sting he’d delivered.Need him. More than air. More than food. More than life.“And you ever ask any other man but me anything about your ass, we’re going to have problems.”
“Imma just go to work now,” Chance muttered half under his breath.
“Look at her ass again, and it will be the last thing you ever see,” Elias promised.
“At least I’ll have seen a masterpiece before I go blind, cuz.”
I felt Elias’s growl rumbling in his chest and nearly blacked out from all the happy chatter that caused inside me. “As hot as it makes me to think of you dripping with someone’s blood for me, I’d really rather make you drip with my come right now instead.”