“Hisssss.” She happily moves from side to side.

“I was not,” Hades comments.

“Then it’s certainly not me,” I note and look over to Professor North and Professor Blackbird. I’m going to say something, but I notice the familiar energy behind the door of the classroom. “Professor D’Angelo is here.”

Watching the black and white duo go from intrigued to panicked is a sight I’ll keep in my memory banks. The two quickly spread out their stances and raise their left arms into the air.

“We’re leaving.”

We don’t have time to hold hands or prepare for the gravitation shift that has us gasping a second later.

The snap of our professors’ fingers sends us into the realms of Nephilim.




The first thing I want to do is vomit.

No, the first thing I do is vomit.

I’ve traveled to Nephilim a few times—by force—and each time has left me feeling as though my insides were ready to come right out of me. They say in scripted literature that the spike in magical essence, matched with the imbalance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, makes you feel as though you’re on the verge of death.

Will you get used to it?


That’s the frightening part of it all.

Not everyone is destined to live and breathe in the realms of Nephilim. Malevolence is far worse.

When it feels like I won’t pass out, I close my eyes and train myself to calm down.

If my parents were here, they would have abandoned me long ago. The slower you are in recovering, the higher the chance you’ll become prey to the various creatures hidden in the shadows of the fae world.

Some places have sympathy for our kind, especially when you carry the unique elements of a fae but are a human catalyst.

That’s but a percentage of creatures that take pity on their food.

I’ve quickly learned that only the worthy are protected and saved in these realms, and that has to be earned, or else you’re no different from any creature or monster trying to survive the harsh cycle of life.

“Fuck.” It’s taking me far too long to recover from this.

A nuisance.

I can already hear my parents echoing insults, repeating over and over again. The painful memories of their sheer disappointment in me.I’m positive they’re waiting for that important call.

The phone call that confirms my death.

Opening my eyes, which are watery from the tense aroma of roses around us, I look around to see who’s with me. My eyes go to the glowing being to my left—the sight making me freeze as I’m captivated by their glowing shell of infinite magic.

Either I’m hallucinating, or I’m potentially getting to witness a goddess in my presence.

She’s on her knees, sitting back and staring at her hands that glow brilliantly with different incantations of white. Her hair is not only out of the hair tie, but it’s floating entirely, those black strands now pure white with so much magic embedded in every strand, I can’t even comprehend the power invested in her as a whole unit.

The aura that dances around her feels everlasting, a burning flame that would never dare flicker out.