After staying like that for a while, I stretch my neck and smile when I see Eddie's fallen asleep.

As quietly as I can, I pick him up and carry him into my bedroom, the smile never once leaving my face.



My eyes flutter open. Sunlight streams into the room, and I can immediately tell that something is wrong.

It's too quiet.

No cars. No noisy neighbors banging about. No nothing. Only complete, eerie silence.

I'm lying on my side, facing a wall, when there's movement behind me. A heavy arm drapes around my middle. Harrick's hand slides into the space between the mattress and my pec. He presses his warm body against mine, just as a bird lets out a merry little chirp. It's soon joined by a chorus of other birds.

Harrick's breathing heavily, making me think he's still sleeping. His massive cock is wedged against the back of my thigh.

I asked for a dirty, rough fuck, and boy, did he come through or what, delivering the best fuck of my life. I'm not going to just feel it today, I'm probably going to feel it for the rest of the week.

I've never done that before, let myself go like that, let someone push me around and fuck me so hard, in so many different positions. But I felt completely safe the entire time. If I'd told him to stop at any stage, I know he would have.

And he never once said or did anything to make me feel like I was being used or degraded. Even when he held my head down with his foot, I found it so fucking hot and not demeaning in the slightest.

I loved every second of what we did, and I regret nothing.

I've only been with a handful of guys, but I know, with full certainty, that Harrick has ruined me for anybody else. Nothing—no one—will ever compare to last night.

That makes me smile for a moment until it hits me that, after today, I'll be gone and probably never see Harrick again. I'm assuming the road will be cleared, and Harrick might drive me into town, or I'll order a ride.

Either way, what happened last night is in the past and now…now I have to get on with my life. I need to sell Pa's place, pack everything up, put his stuff into storage until I figure out what to do with it, and then get the hell off this mountain and never come back.

Michael swims into my head again, and I make a move to get up since he's literally the last person I want to be thinking about, but just then, Harrick's hand, wedged under my pec, starts to travel south.

His fingertips gently scrape the skin along my chest, my abdomen, finally resting when he reaches my dick. Somehow I'm hard despite coming four times yesterday, and as he curls his thick fingers around my length, a loud moan escapes out of me, breaking the silence.

I'm a little sore after last night but I'll be damned if I let that stop me from getting a round five out of the sexy mountain man. I wiggle my ass a little, but Harrick's strong hands grip my hips, halting the movement.

"Morning," he murmurs as he keeps me in place, while sliding down my body, positioning himself between my legs.

"Good morning."

He looks up at me. "You sore?"

I shake my head.


"But I didn't say anything."

"Didn't have to." He sticks his tongue out and licks a drop of pre-cum from my slit. "I can read you."

"Oh, can you now?"

"I can. I've been inside you."

"I remember…vaguely."

He grins, but it fades quickly. His stare intensifies. "This will sound so fucking crazy, but sometimes I get this feeling like…"