Melody pats my arm awkwardly. “Is it okay if I send him in?”
I nod, grab my water and sit up in bed. I usually care about my appearance, but I can’t gather the energy to change. Plus, he’s the one showing up unannounced. He can’t possibly expect me to be done up at all times.
“Do you want Jackson and I to stay?” she asks, hovering before leaving the room.
“No, we’ll be okay. Thanks for checking in,” I whisper hoarsely.
She smiles. “Of course. I consider you one of my closest friends, even if you don’t feel the same. Feel better, Brina.”
My heart twists at her confession, wanting to return the sentiment but staying quiet.
The crinkle of plastic announces Aiden’s presence as he stands next to me. His dark eyes roam over my face, and then take in the million pillows and blankets surrounding me. His lips twitch in amusement, and I huff.
“I like comfort. Sue me.”
He sits, placing the bag he was carrying onto my lap. “I wasn’t sure what was wrong. I grabbed a few things.”
Rummaging through the multiple cold and nausea products, I pause on the long pink box with a laugh. “A pregnancy test, really?”
Aiden opens the box, holding out the plastic white stick. “Take it.”
I glare. “No, it’s ridiculous. I have an IUD. It’s just food poisoning.”
“No birth control is foolproof. IUDs can get displaced.” He states matter of fact. My mouth dries at the multiple thoughts running through my mind. That doesn’t actually happen, does it? How does he know that? I would know if my IUD got dislodged, wouldn’t I?
Wouldn’t I?
I reach out and grab the test. “I’m not pregnant.”
Aiden shrugs. “Then it’s food poisoning.” He holds out his hand to help me up, and I stroll to the bathroom, nerves fluttering into my stomach. I have the urge to vomit for an entirely different reason.
He doesn’t give me the option of privacy as he follows me in, and I glare at him. He beams with arrogance, leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms. Considering the man has his tongue buried in my ass in the regular, I decide it’s not a fight worth having and sit down to pee on the stick.
“Have you taken one before?” he asks as I set the test on the counter and wash my hands.
I nod. “Yeah. Before I joined Giselle’s company, I had a string of one-night stands.”
A grunt of disapproval echoes in the tiled room, and I smirk, catching his gaze in the mirror. “Jealous?”
His eyebrow raises. “Don’t taunt me, Brina. You should pray I never find out the names of the men who did not value what they had.”
I drop my eyes, my cheeks flushing. Aiden has been getting bolder over the weeks, saying things that hint at us being more than just the contract.
My breath stalls in my throat, the two lines confirming what I didn’t think was possible. Aiden steps behind me, his arm wrapping around my waist as he reaches over and grabs the test. I watch as a sick satisfaction spreads across his face. His fingers dig into my waist as his eyes gleam at the plastic stick in his hand. Dread creeps across my skin and settles in my chest. My mouth waters, my tongue stinging as it grows heavy.
“You don’t seem surprised. Why aren’t you surprised?” I ask quietly, confused if I read his face right. The question fills the room with tension.
Istandtheresilently.Not confirming or denying her accusation. Clutching the test tighter in my hand, I watch a few different emotions flicker over her face. I let go and step back, watching her body tremble and not in the way I enjoy.
“Why aren’t you surprised?” she asks again, looking down at the floor as if it has her answers.
Dragging my tongue across the back of my teeth, I clear my throat. “You said you wanted children.”
Her blue eyes snap up to me, her eyebrows twisting in confusion. “What?”
“The first day, I asked if you wanted children, and you said yes.”