Page 14 of Becoming His

I take a large sip, only taking a bite when he holds up the food for me with a stern look.

Aiden smiles. “Good girl.”

I roll my eyes. “Please, don’t. I’ve been good girl’d out.”

“Not a fan of praise?”

I shrug, downing more of my wine and setting the glass down. Shifting on my leg, I try to relax, but the position is a little awkward. “I enjoy praise, but when you have a long-time partner and that’s the only form of praise they give, you get over it real fast.”

“That’s fair. What would you like to hear from me?” He brushes his knuckles against my cheek as he stares down at me.

My vision blurs, and I shake my head as if to clear it, blinking rapidly. “I–uhm.”

Aiden’s hands rest on my waist, his thumb stroking my sides. “You okay?”

My forehead touches his shoulders, too exhausted to keep myself upright. “A-aiden?” I slur, my eyes dropping.

“Clear the table and grab the medical bag.”

I barely understand the words spoken above me before my world disappears into pure blackness and silence.


Agroanfromthebed has me setting the newspaper down. I settle back into the chair and fold my hands in my lap. Brina groans again, twisting in the sheets before slowly sitting up and rubbing at her head.

“Ow.” Her little whimper calls to my cock, making it harden faster than I can blink.

I clear my throat. “There’s water to your side.”

Her turn to look at it is lethargic before she grabs the drink and gulps it down. The glass clinks loudly when she slams the cup down onto the nightstand. She winces and rubs at her head again.

“What happened?” Brina asks, squinting at me with unfocused eyes.

I shift, moving my foot to my knee. “It seems you had a little too much wine.”

She blinks. I could hear the cogs working in her head to recant the events. “I don’t remember.”


I continue to watch her as she throws the sheet off and stumbles from the bed. Besides a small flicker of pain that flashes across her face, she wobbles to the bathroom. I wait for her to come out a few minutes later, expecting her to complain about cramps or anything to realize what I had done.

When she pauses at the bed and her hand cups her pussy, my breath catches. She frowns and then looks at me.

“We didn’t fuck?”

A laugh escapes before I can stop it. “No, Brina. I hope the first time we fuck, you won’t have to ask after.”

Her eyes narrow, anger flickering through them. “If we ever fuck.”

I shrug. “It’s my money, you’re here formypleasure.”

She stands straight and gives me a saccharine smile. “Of course. How can I please you this morning, sir?”

Adjusting the cuff of my shirt with a sigh, I stand slowly. Brina’s pupils dilate, and she takes a step back.“I meant to say Aiden.”

I tilt my head. “But you didn’t say that. Did you?”

She stands silently still, the pulse at the small skin exposed at the bottom of her neck beating faster is the only indicator of her nerves.