I sigh. “This would be the perfect spot for a dance studio.” I look up and down the street, the light summer breeze blowing my hair out of my face. Beside me, Kolson squeezes my hand and takes out his phone to take a picture of the phone number. “What are you doing?”
“No harm in getting some numbers,” he says casually while sending a text.
“Come on,” I say, pulling his hand. I have at least a year before I finish my degree, and I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I’m lucky to not need to worry about money right now, but putting pressure on my dream will make it feel like work before that time comes.
When we walk into the record store, I’m instantly drawn to a gorgeous, vintage record player. The large dark cabinet housing the turntable wouldn’t hold much of my collection, but would fit nicely with my current cabinets. The price tag makes my mouth drop open, and I really don’t have the space for another piece of furniture this large, anyway.
I turn away, moving to look at some records on the other side of the store. Kolson looks around, as well, then goes to speak with Vince at the front for a bit before I meet him there with a few albums to add to my horde at home.
As we leave, Vince calls, “It’ll be delivered tomorrow afternoon.” And I look up at Kolson in question. When he just smiles down at me, I narrow my eyes, but let it go.
I haven’t been home since Thursday, and staying at Kolson’s place is starting to feel too easy. I have clothes, toiletries, all of my favorite foods purchased and prepared by Mary, and going back to my apartment is starting to sound like a chore. Not to mention that it would mean either Kolson staying in my smaller place without everything he needs or being without him in bed with me.
Relaxing on the couch, Kolson on his laptop and me leaning into him scrolling on my phone, I remember this afternoon and the record store. I’ve tried to leave it alone, but I am too curious about what he bought.
“So, the record store…” I trail off, hoping he’ll fill in the blanks for me without having to ask.
“What about it?” Of course, he doesn’t let me off easy.
“What did you buy that needs to be delivered? They don’t even deliver, do they?”
He chuckles. “For the right amount of money, anyone delivers. Our new record player will be here tomorrow. I’ll have one of the spare rooms cleared out, then you can decide what else you need for a dance and music room.”
I gasp, staring at him with wide eyes. “What? Here?”
“If you’re going to live here, you should have a space you love and can escape to. Or we can move somewhere else if you want—a house somewhere by the beach or something. Anything you want.”
“Isn’t it too soon to move in together? We’ve been back together for less than a week.” I look down at my hands in my lap. I know I’m ready, but if he pushes this too quickly, he’ll get sick of me in his space. I won’t survive being left again; I’m so tired of being alone.
“Siren,” he says, lifting my chin with a finger. “You’ve been my everything since the night we met. Move in with me.” He doesn’t ask, but I nod, anyway.
Moving his computer and my book to the coffee table, I straddle his lap, our lips colliding in an all-consuming kiss. Our tongues slide together in a sensual dance, and after a couple minutes, I bite his lip and pull back, dropping to my knees before him. Grabbing the waistband, I pull his sweatpants down his thighs, finding him bare underneath.
He’s already hard, eyes half-lidded as he looks down at me on my knees for him. Gripping the base of his erection, I run my tongue up the underside before taking the tip into my mouth and sucking hard. His hands slide into my hair, pulling the hair at my nape, and push me down until I gag. I breathe through it, letting him control my movements as he thrusts shallowly into my throat. My tongue caresses and teeth graze as his pushes and pulls become erratic.
“Fuck, siren, I’m gonna come. Don’t you dare swallow,” he growls, spurting onto my tongue. I capture it there, not allowing even a drop to roll down my throat.
He pulls back and I look up at him, waiting. Shoving his thumb between my lips, he pries my mouth open.
“Show me.” I obey, sticking out my tongue to show him his come there. It drips from my lips and rolls down his thumb, and he groans as he watches its descent. I whimper, watching him, and his eyes snap to mine, a feral look I haven’t seen before.
Lifting me under the arms, he throws me over his shoulder. I shriek, and he slaps my ass, carrying me toourbedroom.
Chapter 37
Theweekpassesquickly,coordinating packing and movers. Hannah and I have one last wine night at my place before I sell the couch and TV, but I promise to have her over to the penthouse at least every other week for our shows. And she makes me swear that another resort trip will happen with Viv over winter break so she can join this time.
I tell her that a girls-only trip is probably out of the question if Kolson has any say about it, and she says she doesn’t mind, as long as he doesn’t try to twat block her, as well. She’s all for a little vacation fling.
My new dance room is having new floors and a full wall of mirrors installed next week, and I can’t wait to have a space to dance since tonight is my last at the Fox Hole. Walking out of the dressing room, I head toward the stage. I’m dancing four sets tonight, and I can already feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.
Glancing around, I see many of the same Friday night faces—a few bachelor parties, and even one bachelorette party in the crowd. There are a few singles on their own, as usual, and even a blonde woman at the bar, seemingly by herself, but she’s turned away from the stage, which is strange. Why come to a strip club and not watch the strippers?
When I take the stage, I savor the thrill and adrenaline. I’m sure my father would have been a lot more approving if he found out my passion for dance had centered on ballet instead of doing back hook spins and carousels on a pole, but you can’t help what you love.
Since I’m not taking any lap dance clients tonight, I go back to the dressing room after my set to wait for my next one. But right as I walk through the door, I’m pushed from behind, and I stumble forward on my seven-inch platforms as I hear the lock on the door click.