Page 11 of Downfall

After I shower, I grab a backpack and pack my toothbrush and clothes for tomorrow, just in case. I’m pretty sure I’ll need them. I usually don’t carry a backpack because they look suspicious as fuck.

Once I feel refreshed and have stocked myself up for the evening, I start the walk back to my usual alley near the Fox Hole. I already have a bunch of texts from my regulars wondering where the fuck I am.

I’m sending responses, letting everyone know I’m on my way, when my phone rings, and I’m surprised to see my financial advisor’s name on the screen.

“Hey, Rick, what’s up?”

“I have an opportunity to run by you. You have a minute?” he asks. Rick has never steered me wrong, and I’ve made a ton of money based on his advice.

“Yep. What kind of opportunity?”

“A tech startup. It’s risky, but this one is actually promising. We’re looking at huge rewards within just a couple years if what the founders claim is true. I’m investing myself, but we’ve never discussed how you would feel about something like this. So what do you think?”

“If you’re in, I’m in. I trust you.”

“Alright, man. I’ll keep you in the loop. Have a good night.”“You, too.” I hang up with an extra spring in my step. That felt right, and maybe if it pays off, we’ll be able to start that company sooner than I expected.

An hour later, I’ve sold most of the supply I brought with me. It’s been a good night, and I can’t wait until I get to take my siren home.

I don’t have anything better to do while I wait for her to get off work, so I lean against the wall of the alley and pull out my phone to scroll through some memes. Just as I unlock it, a text pops up on my screen.

Around midnight, I start my walk toward the strip club. Abby won’t be off for a while, but there are plenty of bars and clubs on the way, and it will be easy to offload the rest of my supply.

I sell the last of my coke to some douche in a Maserati just after one. I’m only a few doors down from the strip club when I pass his car and he flags me down. It doesn’t happen often, so it must be the fucking backpack. He’s a real dick, acting like he’s better than me as he hands me a wad of hundreds in front of his friends, so I charge him extra for the trouble of having to deal with him. I can feel my time in this lifestyle coming to an end. I love the freedom, but I hate dealing with these assholes all the damn time.

The alley behind the Fox Hole is empty and quiet when I arrive. My mind wanders to earlier tonight in this same alley. Grinding Abby on my dick, even through our clothes, almost had me coming in my pants. Reaching down, I palm my hard cock over my jeans, trying and failing to relieve some of the pressure.

My little siren better be ready because when she walks out that door, she’s mine.

Chapter 10


WhenIfinallygetoff work, it’s just after one in the morning. I head to the dressing room to change back into black leggings and my favorite oversized hoodie for the quick walk home. I wash my face and throw on my old Converse, rushing through my usual routine because Kolson will be waiting for me. The last couple of hours dragged by, thoughts of being wrapped in Kolson’s arms tonight making me impatient.

The heavy door leading to the back alley squeaks loudly on its hinges as I push it open, relishing the feeling of cool air on my skin. I desperately need to get home for a shower, the smell of sweat and debauchery hanging onto me like a second skin.

I love my job; being up on stage on that pole, there’s no rush like it. I could do without the smarmy men and lap dances, though.

The last lap dance I gave tonight should have been fine. The guy was okay looking and spoke to me in full sentences, but his Wal-Mart sweatpants should have thrown up a huge red flag. I was distracted by thoughts of Kolson, his lean, muscular body against mine, and I didn’t pay attention to the signs. Mr. Sweatpants hands were all over me, and I had to politely remove them a few times before he stopped trying, but that didn’t stop his dick from getting hard. He just should have kept it to himself and not tried to grind it against my thigh, then maybe he wouldn’t have been thrown out by security.

At the entrance to the alley, a figure leans against the brick wall. All the dancers at the Fox Hole took self-defense classes with the local police department last year, so I’m not too worried, but I still reach into my bag to grab the little bottle of pepper spray that I always keep handy as I make my way toward him. I’m expecting Kolson, so it’s probably just him, but a girl can never be too careful.

As I get closer, the street lights in front of the club illuminate Kolson’s face, his ever-present smug smirk firmly in place. He glances down at my hand, noticing the pepper spray.

Standing from the wall, he takes two large steps toward me, forcing me to back up into the wall opposite. Without a word, Kolson lifts my chin with one finger and drops his mouth to mine. As soon as he gets his first taste of me, his hand comes up to fist in my hair, angling my head as his tongue seeks entrance. I grant it, wanting to taste him just as much. The kiss turns passionate and frenzied, making me moan into his mouth.

“Need you, Siren. Can’t wait,” Kolson breathes out between kisses.

“Then take me.”

That’s all the permission he needs. He turns me around and bends me over at the waist, my cheek and hands pressing against the cold brick wall to hold me up as my bag and pepper spray drop to the dirty asphalt. I hear the zipper on his jeans before he pulls my leggings and thong over my ass in one swift motion. Slipping a finger through my folds, he groans as he feels my pussy wet and ready for him. Just seeing him waiting for me had me turned on in an instant.

“I’m going to fuck you hard and fast, baby. Stay nice and quiet for me,” he murmurs, his warm breath skating over my ear, making me shiver.

I nod, confirming that I understand, and he slams into me. I bit down on my lip to keep from screaming, but the echo of his hips hitting my ass repeatedly is a blaring announcement to anyone who walks by, even if they can’t see us in the dark. The sound only grows louder as Kolson’s thrusts become frantic and we approach our peaks.

He must see the struggle on my face as I try to remain silent, because he releases one of my hips, lifting his arm to cover my mouth with his palm. His other hand smooths over my stomach to keep me pressed back against him, his middle finger dipping between my folds to press firmly on my piercing.