Page 10 of Downfall


“I’llbefine.Iwalk to work every weekend without issue,” I tell Kolson. I’ve done the walk to the Fox Hole more times than I can count in the four years I’ve worked there, and I’ve never had a serious problem outside of being catcalled or the one time some asshole grabbed my ass. But it’s sweet of him, so I won’t complain about having company.

“I’m sure you would be. But if it’s all the same to you, I’ll go ahead and walk with you, anyway.”

Rolling my eyes as hard as I can, my eyelids fluttering, I sigh and step out of the elevator with Kolson on my heels. It’s strange walking across the foyer of my apartment building with him in the light of day, but I also love it. No one has ever wanted to walk me to work before, to look out for me and make sure I’m safe, and it sends a surprising thrill through me.

Tonight, I paired my standard black leggings with an oversized green hoodie that reminds me of his eyes. As we start walking down the sidewalk in the direction of the club, he offers to carry my tote again, but I insist on keeping it. I can’t get too used to having him around.

When we reach the dark alley, the single exposed light bulb flickering next to the rusty back door, I reach for the handle, only to be stopped by Kolson’s hand on my wrist. He spins me around, pinning my arm above my head against the brick wall under the light. My other hand is trapped holding my bag—the asphalt out here is disgusting, and there is no way I’m dropping it—so I have no way of stopping him. Not that I want to.

I’m momentarily stunned by the quick maneuver, and before I know what’s happening, his lips are on mine, his tongue seeking entrance. I open immediately, moaning into his mouth as he sucks my tongue, pinning me to the wall with his hips. He is rock hard behind his jeans, his erection pressing into my stomach, and I stand on my toes, trying to wrap a leg around his waist, but at almost a foot shorter than him, it’s impossible.

He chuckles, but takes pity on me. Releasing my wrist, he palms my butt, lifting me so I can wrap my legs around him. His jeans provide the perfect friction through my leggings as he grinds my body into his.

“You feel what you do to me, Abby?” he murmurs against my lips, stealing my breath.

I just hum, unable to form words.

“How does my cock feel against your piercing, siren? Is your clit throbbing for me?”

I moan shamelessly, not caring if anyone hears me. “Yes. Demon, fuck, you’re so hard,” I choke out. I want him inside me, but we don’t have time. The thought makes me whimper as he continues his torture.

Moving his mouth to my neck, he nips and sucks, probably leaving marks, but I can’t bring myself to care. Not when he’s making me feel this good. His tongue licks the shell of my ear, making me shiver, and he whispers, “You’re gonna go in there thinking about me and only me. None of those men can make you feel like this. You’ll be in bed with me tonight. Remember that. Now come, baby. Come for me.”

He rocks his hips forward, the rough denim grazing my piercing at just the right angle, and I shatter, screaming his name as I climax. And all I can think is that he’s right. So fucking right. I’ll be thinking about him all night, just waiting until I get to take him home to my bed.

He lets me down on shaky legs, and I bite my lip, smiling up at his handsome, stubbled face.

“Meet me here at one thirty?” I ask.

“I’ll be here, siren,” he says, wrapping his long fingers around my throat before leaning down for one last lingering kiss.

I watch him walk back toward the street for a moment before going inside. Our little interlude set me back a few minutes, so I only have fifteen minutes to get ready and out on stage.

Dropping my tote on the counter and sliding onto a stool in front of a mirror, I pull out my eyeliner and lashes. I had planned a red lip for tonight to match the red plaid of my pleated skirt I’m wearing tonight, but some gloss will have to do. Saturday nights are pretty busy, and from the sound of it, it’s already a packed house, even though it’s only nine o’clock.

After gluing on my lashes, I change out of my leggings and hoodie. My plaid mini skirt shows half my ass with only a thong under it, and a matching black lace push-up bra and a tiny plaid tie around my neck complete my costume. After a quick spin in front of the full-length mirror, my long dark hair flowing down my back, I make my way out onto the main floor on my eight-inch platform heels, ready for my first dance of the night.

Hours pass quickly at the Fox Hole, and before I know it, it’s almost midnight. I’ve danced two sets so far, and have one more in about an hour. I caught a glimpse of backward hat guy a few minutes ago as I took a guy back to get a lap dance. He’s out of luck again, this is my last dance tonight.

After the lap dance from hell, I’m doing a lap around the club, flirting my way around the room, when I spot Hazel. She’s back with that same guy, his infectious smile planted firmly on his face, and I can definitely see what she sees in him. It’s what he sees in her that’s the mystery.

It’s clear they’re together, and when I see Nico crossing the room toward her, one side of my mouth tips up involuntarily.Someone’s in troubleeeeeee.

I think of my indulgence with Kolson in the alley earlier and wonder if he’d ever jeopardize my job like this guy is doing with Hazel. It’s her fault, too, of course, and she could have had him thrown out if she didn’t want him here, but she must care more about him than her job because there was no way she thought Nico would stand for this.

Heading toward the bar so I can see everything but still look busy, I try to read the situation. I can’t hear a damn thing over all the noise and music in the club, but Nico is definitely pissed. It looks like he’s telling her that either her boyfriend has to leave or she can leave, based on where he’s pointing, but Hazel isn’t budging. After a few minutes of indiscernible gesturing, Hazel and her boyfriend both get up. Hazel heads into the dressing room while he waits for her in the hall, looking like he wants to be anywhere but here. His bright blue eyes dart around the club, and I catch his eyes for a moment.

I head his way, trying to look casual as I saunter toward him. I have every intention of telling him to run far and run fast before she emerges, but right as I open my mouth, a pissed-looking Hazel appears. She grabs his arm, glaring at me, and I toss her a malevolent smirk and little wave as she drags him out the back door. I can only hope that’s the last time I’ll ever see that bitch, and I catch a couple other dancers smiling to themselves, as well.

Chapter 9


AfterremindingAbbywhoshe belongs to, I walk home. I need to shower with my own body wash and change into clean clothes. My apartment is a tiny studio about ten blocks away, in a crappy part of town. I could afford something nicer, my preference is just savings over comfort, and I never have anyone over, anyway.

I work in alleys and on street corners closer to the busy and rich part of town, and I hang out with Ryan or our other friends at their places. My apartment is just a place to sleep, keep my measly amount of shit, and store my supply—that I keep in a small safe behind a false wall in the hall closet.