Page 45 of Just You & Me

"I'm twenty-three," I murmur.

Jackson looks lost in thought, and I just know he's calculating and trying to figure out why I haven't seen my baby brother since I was seventeen. "How old is Layla again?"

Ah, yep. He's piecing my past together one piece of information at a time."Bug is five." Jude's hand gives my thigh a final squeeze before he makes his way to the empty spot beside JJ.

"What was your favorite video game?" I could kiss Marcus for changing the topic, but that is far too intimate. I'm struggling enough with his body pressed up against mine and Leo's arm stretching across the couch and tickling the sensitive skin behind my ear.

Swallowing my hum of contentment, I say, "I could kick your ass in Crash Bandicoot." A shocked laugh comes from each of them. "What? He was too young to be playing violent games."

"Alright. Babe, do we have Crash Bandicoot?" For a moment, I think Jackson is talking to me, but Leo is the one to confirm that they do, in fact, have the game.

Standing and making his way to the gaming consoles, I about burst into flames when JJ grips Leo's thigh and tugs him between his legs. I watch in fascination as Leo's eyes widen in shock, but he doesn't make a move to do anything else. Waiting for one of them to do something, I don't expect Jude to take control.

"Don't be naughty. You know what he wants."

At Jude's calm reminder, Leo finally snaps out of his trance and bends to press his lips against Jack’s. It's far sweeter than I would have assumed for a man like JJ. A quiet groan from one of them has me shifting in my seat and moving the blanket off me a bit.

Fuck, is it hot in here?

The move exposes a sliver of skin on my side that Marcus takes full advantage of. My shocked gasp of air when his cool fingers trail along my exposed waist draws the attention of the other three.

Leo's face is flushed, but before he can stand, Jude's hand flies out and grips him by the jaw. My chest heaves in rhythm with Leo's.Just what the actual fuck am I watching right now? This might be the hottest thing I have ever seen.

"Youarea naughty boy, aren't you?" Jude doesn't wait for a response. Instead, he slams Leo's lips down on his, demanding he open for the ministrations I know that tongue can do.

I whimper at the sight, causing heat to skitter up my neck and to my hairline. Marc leans in further, his breath fanning along my overheated throat. "You like watching our boys?"

It's like his words shoved me out of my ridiculous lust-filled haze. They are not mine, so there is noour. I clear my throat, effectively making everyone break apart. Marcus is last to move, the dip in his eyebrows making my stomach swirl with guilt and unease.

"Ready to have your ass kicked, baby girl?"

Jude's taunt makes me snort. "Let's see what you got, surfer boy."



Awild amount of cursing outMario Kartand too much wine later, I'm attempting not to doze off on their couch. If I were a normal twenty-three-year-old woman, I would have probably fallen asleep on lots of guys’ couches. I have to get home to Layla, though. Even if Gabby offered to spend the night with her, I would have declined the offer.

I prefer eating breakfast with Bug, thank you very much.The only sleepovers on my agenda include a whole lot of pink and a ton ofDisney.

"Rylee." Jackson's soothing voice threatens to coax me further into the blanket. "Do you want to go home?"

Grumbling a noncommittal response, I crack an eye open, and my heart flutters happily in my chest when he smiles. "Is that a yes, gorgeous?"

I nod, not caring that I am definitely pouting and probably making a fool of myself. Standing from his crouch, JJ attempts to tug the blanket off me, making me snarl in retaliation. This time he huffs a laugh and allows me to have the blanket. A high-pitched squeak slipping past my lips when his thick arms scoop me into his chest in one swift movement cuts off my victory.

"I got you," he murmurs into my wild head of hair. "I'm going to bring Rylee home, guys. Be right back."

Shuffling behind us on our walk to the door draws my attention. JJ drops me gently to my feet so he can slide his shoes on. With my flip-flops in hand, I blink up at the other three, who have apparently come to see me off.

Jude steps forward first, a soft look in his eyes that thaws some of the ice around my walls. "Sleep tight, baby girl." His lips brush across the corner of my mouth, the tingly feeling making my lips kick up in a happy smile.

"Good night, Beauty." Leo drops a kiss on my forehead, his nimble fingers running up my arms as he lingers for a moment longer.

Marcus replaces the two blondes and surprises me when he wraps me in one of the best hugs I think I have ever had. "Text me when you're safe, okay?" The thoughtful request stuns me for a moment, having not expected such sweetness from one of the jokesters.

With one of their blankets still wrapped around me, I grip the edges in my fingers and return the hug, enveloping him in my cozy warmth. I hum. "Okay." He pulls away all too soon, a serious look in his gaze that I'm too sleepy to understand. Snuggling back into the blanket like my daughter has done a million times, I smile and pad my way out of their home with Jackson’s hand against the small of my back.