Page 40 of Just You & Me

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I will never not hate the sound of someone knocking on my door. Oh, the anxiety of being an anxious loner.

A more persistent knock at my door makes me roll my eyes, especially when I hear the hushed grumbling of Jude and Jackson through the wood.

Sighing, I close my eyes and whip the door open like ripping off a band-aid just in time to see JJ shove the golden boy away from him. Leo is smothering a smirk behind his coffee, and Marc looks like he's planning to push Jackson, too. I smile and lean against the frame while I wait for them to focus on me.

I clear my throat just as Jack lunges for Jude. The smiles on their faces make me feel like something definitely happened after I left. And damn, do I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that.

I don't conceal the giggle that huffs out of me at their shocked expressions. Leo swoops in immediately with a soft smile and kisses my cheek. "Hey, Beauty. Mind if we come in?"

I raise a brow at his forwardness. "Why?" The playfulness of their moment before is gone now, but I don't feel all that bad about it. It's two in the afternoon. Shouldn't they be at work?

"We need to apologize for our behavior. Will you hear us out?"

Dammit. Leo is like a Xanax, making me all gooey and calm. Kicking off from my perch, I move out of the way so they can come in. Once all four of their imposing bodies are hovering awkwardly between the kitchen and the living room, I finally notice the two bouquets of flowers Jude has clutched in his hands.

"Why don't we sit in the living room?" I don't wait for them to agree. Instead, I tuck my legs under me on my favorite reading chair. My tummy cramps with anxiety as they make themselves comfortable on the furniture.

Jude breaks the tense silence. "I got these for you and Nugget." He gives me a hesitant smile, laying the flowers down on the ottoman. My lips tug up, and I hope like hell it looks more like a smile than the cringe I'm trying to stifle.

"Where is the little one?" Jackson's concern warms me when I detect no anger below the surface.

"Napping. She was up pretty late last night."Thank God.I just hope she stays asleep long enough for them to say their peace and leave so I can throw out the flowers.

JJ nods, looking a little constipated. "Rylee, I am so sorry for my behavior last night."Ah, he must not apologize very often because, damn, does he look uncomfortable."I should never have been so aggressive around you and Layla. It was highly inappropriate and uncalled for. Honestly, I have no excuse except I want with all my heart to protect you. I went about it horribly, and for that, I will keep trying to show you I am not a man who would ever aim my aggression at you or your daughter."

Wow, that was...

"Please give us another chance."

For what?

"Beauty, I am so sorry I stood by while you were upset. I should have been there for you instead of watching everything play out."

Marc picks up where Leo left off. "I made things worse. I thought I could make it better, but I let my anger at Jackson get in the way of what really mattered; you and Layla. I'm sorry."

"Me too, to all of that. So how 'bout it, baby girl? Another chance?" Jude brings out his puppy dog eyes that would make me melt if I weren't so completely taken aback.

I just... What? Literally nobody, ever, has apologized for treating me a certain way except Layla, but that doesn't count. Also, what do they expect this other chance to be?

"Rylee?" Jackson leans forward from his spot on the couch closest to me. I try not to notice the way his forearms bunch when they lean on his knees. "Ry? Say something."


Jude snorts loudly. "We broke her." JJ smacks him in the arm, their bromance showing for everyone to see.

"Sorry." I can feel a fierce blush threatening to embarrass me further. Pulling my legs further beneath my butt, I try to compose myself. "You just took me by surprise, is all."

"What do you mean?" Jackson jumps on the small bit of information I offered like a starving beast. "Our behavior was unacceptable last night, so of course we would apologize to you."

I ache to smooth his frown. "Thank you. I just... Nobody has ever apologized for their behavior like you just did."


I wave away JJ's rumble. "I appreciate the apologies, but you need to know that you cannot act like that around my daughter. She deserves more than your anger and aggressive macho bullshit." My surprise has diminished, allowing my earlier hesitancy and protective momma bear instincts to surface. "It's one thing to behave like cavemen when I'm around, but never around Layla. Do you understand me?"

A chorus of agreements and declarations of promises ring through the living room, making me feel far better about them. I've had my fair share of volatile men who don't see issues with their behavior. But this? This was really damn mature, and I'm impressed.