Page 22 of Just You & Me

My eyes flit up to Marcus, who is absolutely beaming at us. "I'm nice, I promise."God, I hope she believes me. I don't ever want her to look at me like she did JJ.

"You look like me. Why?"

Curious little thing, but I suppose she's right. We both have basically white hair and bright blue eyes. "Hm, I don't know, sweetheart."

"You aren't my daddy." I freeze. She frowns.What do I say to that?Just as I go to turn my panicked stare at Marc, she continues, "I wish you were my Daddy."

"How about friends?" I battle all the questions rising to the surface and focus on getting her to trust me.

A weight lifts off my shoulders at the beaming smile she gives me. "Oo, yes, please! Mommy!" She turns back to me suddenly. "Wait, what's your name, mister?" Rylee is eyeing us, waiting for her daughter to finish her sentence.

"Leo. Or you can call me Mister if you want." She gives me a mischievous grin, and I can't help but mimic it with a twist of my lips.

"Mommy, Mister is my friend now too!" Her little arm plants itself on the table, the other on my leg, and then there's suddenly a puff of curls up my nose.

"Little Bug, you need to ask if you want to sit on someone's lap." Rylee's voice is much closer. In the moments it took for Layla to hop up onto my lap, her mom rounded the table and crouched beside me and Jude, whose eyes have heated significantly.

Layla twists to face me, her lips downturned. "May I sit on you, Lee?"

Chuckles can be heard around the table; everyone is focused on us. I catch Jack looking mighty jealous, and it makes my chest puff out just a bit.The little miss likes me. And she gave me another nickname!

"If it's okay with your beautiful Momma." Rylee blushes something fierce. I may be the quiet one, but that doesn't mean I'm shy. And she is absolutely stunning.

"For a minute. Gabby vetted you I suppose." She still looks a little concerned but shoots me a small smile. Be still my beating heart. "I'm Rylee. You look familiar." Still kneeling beside me, she holds out her hand, and I take it gently, worried I might hurt her.

Layla's playing a game with Marcus, no longer paying attention to her mom. She snuggles onto my lap, content with the perch she has made me into. I'm content, too, actually. I feel important, like Layla's giving me a gift not many have received.

"Yeah." I keep hold of her hand and twist so I can rub my thumb along her wrist. I bite my lip at the sight of her throat bobbing. "I'm Leo. We met at my coffee shop."

"Oh yes! That's why Marcus looks so familiar." Her eyes light with recognition. The sound of his name draws Marc's attention to Rylee with a questioning quirk of his eyebrow. "Oh, sorry. I've been wondering why you looked so familiar all night. Leo just put the pieces together."

I love my name on her lips.

Marc huffs a laugh. "It's okay, sweetheart. We haven't really had the chance to talk. I know you already met him, but this is my boyfriend, Leo." He gives me a soft look before training his attention back on Rylee, who is now standing.

My heart bottoms out at the contemplative look she gives us. I didn't realize what it might do to tell her we were in a relationship.Fuck.

"It's wonderful to meet you guys. Bug, your milkshake is here. Let's leave Leo and Marcus to their meal."

I attempt to control the sinking disappointment when it's clear that she's distancing herself from us now. My chest aches when Layla hops off my lap and gives me a wave with her teeny palm before skipping over to Gabby.

"Huh." Jude's contemplative tone irks me.

"I think that is the longest you have ever gone without speaking." My words are harsh, but he brushes them off just like I knew he would.

"I was interested in how that would play out. Looks like I have competition for favorite, though. Pretty sure I was Layla's until she caught sight of your damn hair," he grumbles, arms crossed in an adorable pout.

Leaning an elbow on the table, I run my left palm up his bare knee and slightly into his shorts. "I'll make it up to you." My promise is husky and good lord does he respond.

"You better."



Ihate how I can't help myself. It's like no matter how many times I tell myself not to look, I do anyway. I've gotten better with it after the first few releases, but I still have weak moments.

My weak moment came about five minutes ago when I couldn't help but look at a negative review. Of course, my books aren't for everyone, Iknowthat. That doesn't mean it hurts any less.