Page 18 of Just You & Me

Gabby fights the shock, but her eyes flick up to mine, and I know her well enough to know she's holding back all the questions she wants to ask. "No, darling. Marcus didn't upset your mommy."

I try not to be hurt that Layla doesn’t recognize me. But I suppose her concern for safety is more important, anyway.

"What about that man?" Almost poking my eye out, she points her accusing finger at where Jude is hunched over, trying to look into Rylee's averted eyes.

"Um…." I trail off. Gabby's look is pleading with me to fix this, but before I can, Layla stomps past me. With a look as fierce as her momma shot us earlier, she latches onto Rylee's jean shorts and scowls up at Jude.

"You guys shouldn't be here."

I stand at the sadness in Gab's voice. I was so excited to see these girls again, but I've been here less than five damn minutes, and my heart has broken multiple times already.

"Gabby, where did they come from? And why does that five-year-old have the eyes of someone who has seen unspeakable things?"

Dropping her head onto my shoulder, she lets out a sigh. "I don't know..." she trails off, lost in thought, watching the scene unfold in front of us.

I'm not sure what has me picking up a piece of chalk and planting my ass on the driveway, but I know for a fact that I won't leave until I get a smile out of them.

* * *

Rylee and Gabby couldn't urge Layla away from the adult conversation happening by the house, but I am really freaking grateful for the little one’s determination. Why? Because here the five of us sit in a circle in the driveway, each with our own pieces of chalk.

It's silent except for the speaker playing a Disney playlist and, of course, Jude and I can't help but sing along. Gabby is just as bad. We are the trio that Leo and Jackson dread putting together. They say we are childish and immature. We say we are fucking hilarious.

And let me tell you, little Layla thinks so too. "Again, again!"

"Bug." Rylee gives her a small smile. "It's about time for dinner. Why don't we say goodbye to our guests now?"

I have yet to actually speak with Rylee, so I'm uncertain if she actually remembers me. "Rylee, do you mind showing me to the bathroom? I need to wash up before we head home." I give her my best smirk, but all I do is make her wary of me.

I watch as she shoots a look at Gabby, who gives her a reassuring nod. Whether it's saying she will watch Layla or that she is safe to be alone with me, I don't know. All I can focus on is finally getting a second alone with this beautiful woman. Shooting looks over her shoulder at me on our way to the door; she opens it and encourages me to go first.

"I see. Quite the dig there. You calling me a lady?" The joke doesn't land.

"I-What?" She sputters, closing the door behind her and inching around me, careful to keep space between us.

"You ushered me forward. Ladies first, you know. You stole my chivalry." I wink, hoping to ease the tension.

Her little snort sends small zaps of victory through my body. "Huh, and here I thought chivalry was dead. The bathroom is this way." Her cherry-red smile doesn't slip from her face as she leads me down the hallway. It takes all my might not to holler from the rooftop that I made her smile.

Stepping into the doorway she motions to, our eyes lock. "You have a smile that makes a man willing to do anything just to see it one more time." With that, I close the door between us and will my beating heart to settle.

Not before I see the blooming pink tinging her cheeks, though, and fuck if I wouldn't do anything to see that again too.

I can't wait to tell Leo all about her blush and sparkling, stunned eyes.



My smile? Nobody has ever told me they liked my smile. In fact, Mason used to tell me I looked like a cartoon when I smiled.Apparently, it's abnormally wide and too big for my face.

Walking out of the hallway, I think about how similar Layla's smile is to mine. When she gives you her genuine smile, she gives it with her entire heart and soul. It's larger than life and something I cherish. I haven't thought about my own in a long time.

Was Marc just messing with me?I feel my lips dip into a frown, thinking over the past hour of my afternoon. It's been weird, to say the least. Pixie was as amazing as yesterday, even though I am a bit annoyed she brought Jude and Marcus with her without asking me. I haven't had the chance to talk to Marcus, and I can't pinpoint why he looks familiar.

Jude, on the other hand, is a shameless flirt who clearly struggles with apologies. I recognized him from the beach, and I think he sees me as a challenge since I turned him down.

That's not to say he didn't seem sincere when he apologized. But as soon as I let him off the hook, he went back to telling me how beautiful I am and asking when we could get a drink.